Sunday 1 June 2014

Our trip in numbers...

We have been on the road for 4 weeks here in the US:

  travelled 3887 miles, (6255 km)
  been in 3 US states – California, Arizona, Nevada
  explored 3 National Parks - Joshua Tree, Grand Canyon, Death Valley
  visited 6 State Parks - Big Sur, Salton Sea, San Jacinto Mountain, Hearst Castle, Red Rock, Red Rock Canyon
  National Forests; 1 Sequoia
  slept in 10 beds; 3 hotels, 4 motels and 3 timeshare unit (make it 16 with Bahamas)
  ate Ben & Jerry ice-cream, 2, Cherry Garcia, Chunky Monkey
  added 31 birds to my US bird list which is now 195 and my world list is 1478, top bird Roadrunner
  popped into 1 museum
  decaprio 3 movie catch-up, Aviator, Gatsby and Departed
  relished organic extra virgin olive oil, 2 farms 
  walked 76 miles; beach, mountain trails, coastal meadow, high altitude lake, golf courses, climbing red rocks, canyon rim, valley trail, desert paths, Las Vegas Strip
  walking on schedule, (for each 50 miles driven we want to walk 1 mile)
  watched 7 episodes of Game of Thrones, season 4
  got cold at the lowest temperature below 40 degrees F in Tehachapi (3 degrees C)
  was hot at the highest temperature of 115 degrees F while walking in Death Valley (46 degrees C). Car registered 125 degrees F at one point – over 50 degrees C
  wine tasting, 2 at Tablas Winery, Paso Robles and Souza Family Vineyard
  1 new mode of transport, helicopter over the Grand Canyon
  show, 1 in Las Vegas, O Cirque du Soleil

Crazy world of the Las Vegas Strip

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