Thursday 12 June 2014

San Francisco: Alcatraz Cellhouse

The highlight of the Alcatraz visit was the audio tour of the Cell house, narrated by ex prisoners and the  guards.

The Cell house was smaller than we expected but also looms so large when you are inside, the 3 levels rise in steps above you with skylights letting in cold watery light.

Its bleak. The cells are narrow with a miniature loo and basin.

The kitchen that apparently served its captives well

Walking out into the exercise yard against the force of the wind made my eyes water.
This was a privilege?
Steps to the exercise yard.

Fred in isolation in D facility, tempted to leave him there!

Solitary, 'the Holes'
Home to 1576 prisoners over the 30 or so years before closing in March 1963. These cells held about 260 prisoners at any point in time. The photos of the 4 wardens that managed Alcatraz over the years looked even more intimidating than the prisoners…

Oh my, I left feeling low and it took a long walk along the Embarcadero to cheer me up.

PS: we visited on the 11 June which is also the date of the infamous escape in 1962, where the 3 prisoners dug through their vents with spoons, which took over a year….

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