Friday 4 July 2014

Oregon: Canoeing along the Upper Klamath

The Upper Klamath Canoe Trail is a quiet space; marsh, open lake and forest with miles of open water all to ourselves.

Such a treat to be out early in the morning, fresh air, calm waters, as Fred paddled, I was parallel with Canada Geese, Pied-billed Grebes, loads of LBJ's calling vigorously from the willow and cottonwood trees, the large-leaved yellow pond lily in bloom, a coot with her young and so much more to see and hear.

A few Bald Eagles remain here in the Basin during summer and we saw a circling eagle and picked up a nest in an old Ponderosa Pine. Even a few lifers for the trip - a sky-pointing American Bittern and flying Black Terns.

We canoe'd for the morning, covering nearly 9 miles of the trails. And yes I did paddle and according to Fred, even helped just a little! So cool.

Watching the reflections as we paddled along the creek.

World to ourself.

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