Monday 7 April 2014

The first 48 hours….

  1. hugged my precious daughter and her husband to be 
  2. have swum daily
  3. am in awe of the beauty of the sea around Exuma, the real Bahama's, love at first sight
  4. conquered my fear and snorkeled off Saddleback Cay in the Exuma's
  5. showed Fred my favorite Nassau bird, the White-crowned Pigeon
  6. am pleased that it is less humid than I expected
  7. experienced the beauty of a coral reef 
  8. so enjoy the pastel shaded colorful buildings here in Nassau
  9. am the Mother of the Bride and went shopping in downtown Nassau for wedding make-up, gorgeous pinks for both of us from Mac
  10. am jet lagged and wake up at 4am, so make coffee and raisin bread with cream cheese 
  11. felt fine on the high speed powerboat from Nassau to the Exuma's,
  12. did however get queasy while snorkeling
  13. rediscovered why I love birding, watching the Bahama Woodstar, the gorgeous endemic hummingbird of the Bahamas
  14. am knitting a baby jersey for a friend in the California that I will be seeing soon
  15. was bemused when the guide showed us flotsam and jetsam on Saddleback Cay from a Nasa rocket
  16. was surprised at the number of Ospreys along the Exuma Cays
  17. was excited to order conch fritters with a mojito at Compass Point and watch Fred love them too,
  18. have walked daily
  19. noticed the pink hue of the sandbar near Saddleback Cay caused by the finely ground coral in the sand
  20. am loving how excited Fred is with his new purchase, a waterproof GoPro
  21. saw my first lemon shark, a subtropical shark found in the shallows and fed them left over chicken from lunch, which did not sit well with me at all
  22. bought an early birthday present for Fred, Costa water-sport sunglasses
  23. unpacked and organized the gifts that Doreen sent across from her, her family and Grumps, they were so well received
  24. watched with pleasure as Shawni and Craig opened the quilt I made for them called Bahama Blues
  25. watched with even more joy as they received their wedding gift from Fred and me
  26. still enjoy seeing the huge ocean liners leave Nassau at the end of the day and head off into the sunset
  27. love the early morning cool and watching the sunrise
  28. am feeling sunburnt today after a day along the Exuma Cays
  29. fed grapes to the critically endangered Exuma Island Iguanas, fierce little creatures, vegetarians as opposed to the marine iguanas of the Galapagos
  30. ate the 'world famous' Greek Salad served at Athena in downtown Nassau,
  31. settled into the Sandyport Timeshare here in Nassau, the first of 9 RCI timeshares scheduled for our trip, we are comfortable although bemused by the huge bath tub one foot from the bed,
  32. saw two Spotted Stingrays in the Sandyport Canal that were heading out to sea 
  33. sipped Bahama Mama's from a tervis watching the impossibly green color of the sea
  34. am using my welcome gifts from Shawni and Craig
  35. spotted my first lifer for the trip, a single White-tailed Tropicbird flying fast and low over the Exuma Cays
  36. asked for bamboo bedding for our 35 wedding anniversary which is a few days before the wedding, and got them too
  37. like Shawni and Craig's 'local', Spritz Restaurant and Bar in Sandyport, an easy evening out with tasty food
  38. laugh at the breeding antics of the raucous Laughing Gulls below our balcony
  39. waved Fred off early this morning, he will be training for his PADI open water diver course over the next 3 days
  40. am thinking if this is two days, imagine four months……………………………………………..