Wednesday 21 May 2014

When grand is grand, there is nothing grander...

Nothing prepared me for the scale of the Grand Canyon. 

As a geography teacher at one time in my life, I remember giving the stats - a mile deep, 10 mile across from rim to rim, 250 miles in length and then you see it.

I looked and looked, until my eyes ached. Grand and glorious.

As Powell wrote 1869, '… the heights are made higher and the depths deeper by the glamour and witchery of light and shade.'

South Rim, Grand Canyon, Arizona

I bought the 'bible' of the Grand Canyon story of discovery, John Wesley Powell's, 'The Exploration of the Colorado River and its Canyon', here is some of his writing:

  • The wonders of the Grand Canyon cannot be adequately represented in symbols of speech, nor by speech itself.
  • The traveler on the brink looks from afar and is overwhelmed with the sublimity of massive forms…
  • (water) can do much work in centuries of centuries.