Saturday 31 May 2014

Death Valley National Park, California

No research prepared me for Death Valley.

The access through the passes falling into the desolate vast valleys below sea level are remarkable drives.

The scenic beauty hits you around every bend. 

We could not get enough and have dropped in lots of photos to share this fantastic day with us.

Pass on the Golf! temperatures getting to 120 degrees F!

Death Valley National Park: Artist Drive

Artist Drive, Death Valley National Park 
The temperature kept leaping up as we drove along the Artist Drive. We were stunned by the spectacular color in the rock formation. Greens, pinks, purples, mustards, blacks, browns, blues.
Beyond belief. 
A wondrous place.

Death Valley National Park: Zabriskie Point

Iconic Zabriskie Point in Death Valley National Park.
Fred taking the most spectacular set of photos of the point and its surrounding Badlands. Nothing seems to move or fly, its eerily silent, scorchingly hot, tumble dryer feeling. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

Coping with 115 degree F heat at Zabriskie Point

Roadrunner, Death Valley National Park

As one heads into Death Valley from the west the first stop is the Panamint Springs Resort. 

Fred and I stopped here to pick up coffee for our breakfast picnic. I was already scanning the bush around the camp spot  - after all their sign told me too..

Fred came back after chatting to the waitress and she had told him the roadrunners are early morning birds and it was already close to 9am.

Well, got my bird of the trip! 

The Roadrunner is my only target bird for the west. It has been on my radar for 4 weeks and then it quietly sneaked past me. Fred rushed off for his camera and managed to snap a few pictures before the bird disappeared. Awesome. 

Running as they do!

How cool is this bird! Rock star of the desert.

cautiously watching Fred and his huge lens.