Saturday 28 February 2015

Walking longer and longer...

That time of the week, getting stamina up for long days of walking.

Fred has been most supportive, taping the New Zealand vs Australia ICC game so we could get on the road early.

I am continually surprised how far one needs to walk to cover 10km.

I thought a walk from Norwood to Parkhurst would fit but it was only 8km, so we continued back to Parktown North for our 10km pastry break.

Nothing quite like the spread at Moemas in Parktown Quarter.

Rest, coffee, pastries, shoes off, wiggle toes, love this new rhythm of a break at the 10km mark.

From Moemas we walked one of my favourite suburbs, Saxonwold, then via Killarney back to Norwood.

I was thrilled to hit a new milestone.

  •  Walking log: 28th February


A nice step up from our 15km walks.

Felt strong over the first 10km.

Tried wearing 2 pairs of socks, a thin Falke Hidden Cool inner and a hiking sock. Seemed to work well. So will buy some more.

My feet still feel burny but not enough to slow me down. Toes a little sensitive by the end.

Second 8km leg, also set a good pace, awareness of my left knee, feels tight.

Satisfying morning of walking.

Total kilometres to date: 329

Sunday update:
I was aware of achy muscles most of yesterday.
This morning we did a power walk up Munro Drive and added some distance to make up a 10km walk.
  • Walking log: 1 March
Norwood, Munro Drive, Killarney, Norwood. I noticed that I kept dropping my head, so residual tiredness was creeping in.
Walked strongly up Munro Drive.

Total kilometres to date: 339

Friday 27 February 2015

Johannesburg pavements

Morning birdie card.
We are both back in Norwood, so popped out for a quick paced morning walk.

I am enjoying the cooler mornings, so much nicer to walk.

  • Walking log: 27th February
Fast paced 7km walk, Norwood - Golf Course-Orchards.

Total kilometres to date: 311

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Feet in the Indian Ocean

Instead of early morning pavement duty, I went walking on the beach this afternoon, barefoot.

Such a different way to walk, the beach was quiet with a few fishermen, the odd surfer and swimmer.

I could watch a White-breasted Cormorant fish, and White-fronted Plovers darting away in front of me.

Although it is hot here in Toti the breeze was up and the ocean around my feet was just lovely.

A beach walk is one of the pleasures of staying here at our Loft. This is a photo I have next to my bed which celebrates stepping out on a beach.

This poem inspired me today:
    “Instructions for living a life. 
    Pay attention. 
    Be astonished. 
    Tell about it.” 
    ― Mary Oliver

  • Walking log: 24th February
4km barefoot beach walk.

Total kilometres to date: 304

Durban's Beachfront Promenade

Another small milestone in my walking preparation, 300 kilometres.

Over the last six weeks I have walked along the Atlantic Ocean; sweated along steep Loerkop, Table Mountain and Lions Head paths; covered many kilometres of city streets in Cape Town and Johannesburg; strode out on a farm in Greyton and in the Karoo; walked while overnighting in Hilton, Greyton and Bloemfontein and here I am walking along the fabulous promenade in Durban.

I needed to do 12.5 kilometres so I walked the sweeping bay from the Moses Mabhiba Stadium to the pier at uShaka Marine World - a couple of times. It was a fine morning, not too hot, still humid and the fresh salt-laden breeze kept me going.

I admire what this wonderful 2010 FIFA World Cup legacy has created for Durban, it is such a great space to walk along the meandering brick-paved promenade. I counted more than 20 different 'activities' happening around me as I walked.

Next time I am here with Fred I would like to do the full stretch from Blue Lagoon all the way south to the last pier.

Doreen kept me company, we stopped and rested at our favourite foodie spot along the promenade, Circus Circus and had a feast.

  • Walking log: 23rd February
12.5 km, I was aware of my neuromas along the walk, quite burny feet and toes numbing at times. 
Felt weary after the walk.
So the challenge is to do what I have done in 6 weeks in 10 days, goodness me, daunting thought.
Walking companion: Doreen Phillip

Total kilometres to date: 300

Inspiration for the next 100 km:

"If you want to know if your brain is flabby, feel your legs." 

-   Bruce Barton 

Sunday 22 February 2015

Misty walking in the Natal Midlands

"An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day." Henry David Thoreau

What a treat to be walking in the cool mist of the Natal Midlands with my sister Doreen.

Our route took us around Hilton.

The late summer gardens are still a joy and Hilton has the feel of an English village. We walked without knowing our distance but kept going just for the pleasure of walking.

Jaxx was open for coffee and a muffin, quite delicious and we ambled home from there.

So impressed that what I thought was 9km ended up been closer to 12km.

  • Walking log: 22nd February
11.5km through Hilton.
Walking companion: Doreen Phillip

Total kilometres to date: 287.5 

Saturday 21 February 2015

Birdhaven for breakast

A head cold set me back a few days, I still managed my friday pilates class but very little else.

So with Fred still poorly we did a gentle 10km this morning with a lovely breakfast at one of our favourite haunts, Voodoo Lily Cafe.

Weather improving for walking too, overcast and fresh to be out.

  • Walking log: 21 February
10km walk with mid-way stop for breakfast.

Total kilometres to date: 276

Walking takes longer... than any other known form of locomotion except crawling. Thus it stretches time and prolongs life. Life is already too short to waste on speed. ~Edward Abbey, "Walking"

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Munro Drive Walk

I love walking.

On rest days I miss having my feet on the path.

Bounded out the house early this morning. Even though Fred is still not feeling too well he put up with my enthusiasm.

Munro Drive is our best option for some power walking to get fit for hills, it winds up Houghton Ridge. In fact it's a 3km uphill most of the way from home to the top of the ridge.

Apparently Munro Drive was built by Italian prisoners of war during the Second World War.

Found this old postcard photo of Munro Drive which shows the steep switchback near the top of the ridge.

  • .Walking log: 18th February
Early morning 11km from Norwood, up Munro Drive, down the Wilds, through Killarney to Glenhove, Oaklands for coffee and home.

Total kilometres to date: 261

My feet were so happy with their 'spoil' today, a pedicure and massage.


  • Walking log: 19th February
5km speed walking around golf course.

Total kilometres to date: 266

Saturday 14 February 2015


Valentines Day Walk
My Valentines Day, a walk to the Johannesburg Zoo.

It rained last night and we started the walk beneath a beautiful sky, with fresh air, such a change from the heat of the last few weeks.

I was ready for a long walk too. And it is good to have Fred back from Cape Town.

We walked twice around the zoo, alternating the direction, listening to a lion's low belching call, peacocks screaming and the noisy guineafowl.

It's a fun urban walk, gorgeous big trees in Forest Town and the quirky art in the garden of the Forest Lodge made for entertainment along the way.

A good coffee at Woolies in Killarney after 11 km. A quick airing of the feet and I was ready to walk again.

Pleased with the distance and constant pace today.
  • Walking log: 14th February
Most pleased with my first 15km brisk walk. Norwood - Killarney - Zoo and back.
I felt strong after both the rest day and my Friday pilates class with Farrel Cohen, he focussed on feet strength and really worked my thighs.
We stopped after 11km for a quick coffee.
Feet held up, tried vaseline on them. No new points of friction. So maybe something to keep doing.

Total kilometres to date: 245


  • Walking log: 15th February
Felt like walking again this morning. Fred not feeling great so I did a brisk 5 km golf course walk.

Total kilometres to date: 250

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Speed walking task

"It is impossible to walk rapidly and be unhappy." 
Dr Howard Murphy

Despite the cider, prego rolls and chocolate brownies while at the Barbara Kingsolver cocktail last night, I headed out for my speed walk this morning.

One of the preparation instructions is to do one speed walk a week between 6 and 8 kilometres. 

So I have a 5 km walk mapped out in our suburb which is a good place to start. The front and back kilometres are normal pace and then I really stepped out and power walked as best I could for 3 km.

  • Walking log: 10th February
5 km speed walk.

Total kilometres to date: 224

Update: goodness me, I wanted to weep this morning. 
Put my inserts into my walkers with a view to testing them out. I have had them for a few years now and have not been using them.

Well they are in the dustbin.

I walked to Killarney Mall to do some admin. My feet ached and burned the whole way. The inserted gave my blisters on my heels which never give me a problem. I was hobbling by the time I got home. My feet are still sore. So a rest day coming tomorrow and I need to get shoes sorted out very soon.

  • Walking log: 11th February
6km painful walk.

Total kilometres to date: 230

Monday 9 February 2015

Stamina walking

Stamina: Distance - brisk walking at one speed
120 - 150 min
14 - 18Km
Our stamina walks, mine in Joburg and Fred's in Cape Town

An invitation to Sunday lunch with June and Ross, while Fred is in Cape Town, got me walking to Sandton from Norwood.

Once a week our training schedule calls for a long brisk walk somewhere between 14 and 18 kilometres.

So I set off at 9am. It's still too hot in Johannesburg for comfortable brisk walking, so I tacked along pavements that were shady and maintained a reasonable pace.

It seemed to be a gradual uphill all the way to Sandton, I took pleasure in the calls of the Dideric Cuckoos, some of the lovely gardens along the way, but mostly I was dodging cars, listening to the noise pollution of diesel generators and doggedly putting one foot in front of the next.

Regular calls from Fred kept me motivated, he even had to send me a map when I was getting 'lost' at one point.

I was tempted to take a seat on these funky benches outside the Nedbank Head Office in Sandton, but I kept moving.

June and Ross fetched me at Coleraine and said enough, too hot and I was very happy to stop too. Thanks friends for taking care of me, the swim and the lunch were such a treat after the walk.

Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time. ~Steven Wright

  • Walking log: 8th February
Fred did 15 km during the evening load shedding.
I walked about 14 km one way and Ross ran me home. I am noticing how far these distances feel and yet we are still a long way off 30 km!
I had a restless night, my feet throbbed, there is a tender spot under one of my calluses. I am still anxious about my feet holding up. Need to buy shoes when Fred gets back.
Quiet walk down the road to pilates this morning. So nice to exercise and stretch, to take the weight off my feet, I certainly need this rest day.

Total kilometres to date: 219

Saturday 7 February 2015

Tenderfoot strategies

Going to try the Hidden Cool socks as
recommended for tomorrow's 15km walk
Make your feet your friend. ~J.M. Barrie

Some thoughts for my feet :
Calluses are your friends: As your feet get more of a workout, they build up calluses. These are your friends - you want calluses, which act as a natural pad against the friction that forms blisters. Do not give in to beauty and shave off or pumice down the calluses - at least until after the long walk.
Tannic acid to toughen:  Walkers may want to toughen the feet with 10% tannic acid or a tea soak. Apply the tannic acid to your feet, or soak in strong tea, twice daily for two to three weeks.
Moisturize Away Heel CracksTo prevent your calluses drying out too much and developing painful cracks, moisturize your feet after each bath or shower with a good foot cream or hand cream.
Forget the cotton socks, stick with synthetics. That's what the experts say when it comes to preventing blisters. Cotton retains your foot sweat, which then softens the skin and leaves it more prone to breaking with friction, and blisters form. 
Wick it Away: Socks made of acrylic, polypropylene, or CoolMax fabric wick moisture away from the foot, keeping it dry. These are available at sports stores.
Double layers: Double-layer socks may be the answer to blisters. The inner layer should be of a wicking fabric. The two layers work to prevent friction on the foot itself. Some double layer socks, such as WrightSocks, even come with a no-blister guarantee. You can also wear two pairs of socks.
Change Your Socks En Route: Whenever your feet get wet due to rain, or at the halfway point of the walk.
Source: Wendy Bumgardner
  • Walking log: 7 February
Easy 5km golf course walk in preparation for long distance tomorrow.
Walking companion: bridging the years with Jules Newton

Total kilometres to date: 205

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Mapping out a home route

Nabbed Fred before he left for Cape Town this morning to map out a 5km route through Norwood and Houghton around the golf course. So I can now step out and walk while he is away.
  • Walking log: 3rd February
Fast 4.5 km suburb route round Houghton Golf Course, noticing how much quicker I am able to walk on these shorter distances.

Total kilometres to date: 185
I was looking for some letters this morning and found this photo of Fred and me finishing the Johannesburg Walk the Talk, my one and only event I have entered.

I remember not enjoying the pressure to keep ahead of everyone, Fred does not do well at the back of anything. 

The 8 kilometres felt far too. So I do appreciate how far I have come since leaving work in 2006 and adding walking into the routine of my life.

In the spirit of the Ultra Walk preparation, I walked to Killarney Mall early this morning to collect our mail. I also tested my pair of Karrimor boots, oh well, they are on the 'pass it on' pile. My toes were cramped and I felt them the whole way.

  • Walking log: 4 February
6km to Killarney Mall and return.
Ignoring the mid-morning heat, strode out with Mich along her 4km Blair Athol walk.
Walking companion: Michelle Fagan

Total kilometres to date: 195

  • Walking log: 5 February
5km speed walking from home.

Total kilometres to date: 200 woohoo! a month on the path

Lao Tsu: The longest journey begins with a single step.

Monday 2 February 2015

A walk in suburban Bloemfontein

So we start a new month of walking.

A return to Bloemfontein after our two month summer road trip between Cape Town and Amanzintoti and a quick visit with my cousins.

We shared a sunday morning walk with Ian and Julie, Bloem is green and fresh after the summer rains.
  • Walking log: 1 February
4.5 km walk around Baywaters in Bloemfontein.
Walking companions: Ian and Julie Wedderburn

Total kilometers to date: 180.5
How true my little birdie card message on my desk this morning here in Johannesburg.

It was easy to be single minded in Cape Town, the walks are wonderful, gorgeous summer days, so the walking was a treat.

Home has distractions and conflicting commitments. So I am going to have to find the resolve to stick with my plan and believe that 30 km a day for 10 days is possible.

I am off to pilates now and I will be having a rest day.