Saturday 28 February 2015

Walking longer and longer...

That time of the week, getting stamina up for long days of walking.

Fred has been most supportive, taping the New Zealand vs Australia ICC game so we could get on the road early.

I am continually surprised how far one needs to walk to cover 10km.

I thought a walk from Norwood to Parkhurst would fit but it was only 8km, so we continued back to Parktown North for our 10km pastry break.

Nothing quite like the spread at Moemas in Parktown Quarter.

Rest, coffee, pastries, shoes off, wiggle toes, love this new rhythm of a break at the 10km mark.

From Moemas we walked one of my favourite suburbs, Saxonwold, then via Killarney back to Norwood.

I was thrilled to hit a new milestone.

  •  Walking log: 28th February


A nice step up from our 15km walks.

Felt strong over the first 10km.

Tried wearing 2 pairs of socks, a thin Falke Hidden Cool inner and a hiking sock. Seemed to work well. So will buy some more.

My feet still feel burny but not enough to slow me down. Toes a little sensitive by the end.

Second 8km leg, also set a good pace, awareness of my left knee, feels tight.

Satisfying morning of walking.

Total kilometres to date: 329

Sunday update:
I was aware of achy muscles most of yesterday.
This morning we did a power walk up Munro Drive and added some distance to make up a 10km walk.
  • Walking log: 1 March
Norwood, Munro Drive, Killarney, Norwood. I noticed that I kept dropping my head, so residual tiredness was creeping in.
Walked strongly up Munro Drive.

Total kilometres to date: 339

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