Saturday 28 March 2015

Time for new shoes

I have given away my walking shoes.

The Sweat Shop.


Measuring and analysing feet. Buying a shoe a size bigger and wider as recommended by Eco Ventures.

We came out with our Asics Gel-nimbus shoes. Light, flexible and cushioned.

And you will see us coming around a corner.

Gave the shoes a try today. Couple of niggles to work through.

  • Walking log: 28th March
10km easy walk to Voodoo Lily for breakfast.

Total kilometres to date: 532

  • Walking log: 29th March
11km bridges walk to Europa for morning coffee. Still doing adjustments to laces, almost there. Feet ok, knee tight. On track.

Total kilometres to date: 543

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Regrouping after some indulging

Lovely people.
I spent an indulgent Sunday with friends and gave no thought to walking. We converged from Johannesburg, Cape Town, Pretoria and even London to spend time together.

Monday's pilates class was quite different. Farrell called it a '500', 10 exercises with 50 repetitions each. From squats to sit-ups to push-ups, lifts, lunges, all I can say is thank goodness I do not need my triceps for walking.

To take pressure off my achy knees I did 3km on the bicycle at the gym.

So I needed to regroup and get walking again today.

However, we were up at 2.30am to watch the first semifinal between South Africa and New Zealand, so I lazed on the couch until the last nail biting ball. Anyway I did a short walk to Killarney to get past our loss even though it was lunch time and not ideal for walking.

  • Walking log: 24th March
6km short walk, mindful about a sore left knee.

Total kilometres to date: 509

  • Walking log: 25th March
Fred's back still not great so I went for a 5km speed walk around the golf course and 3.5km static cycle at the studio.

Total kilometres to date: 514

  • Walking log: 26th March
Our power walk today, up and over Munro Drive and down through Houghton back home. 8km and Fred was fine on the walk and was good to have him on the path again.

Total kilometres to date: 522

Saturday 21 March 2015

A walk to Greenside and 500km clicks over.

Flower along our route.
Another milestone reached this morning.

We have now done 500km of preparation over a 10 week period.

Even getting to this point, I still am intimidated by the thought of 30km a day for 10 days.

  • Walking log: 21 March
Our second longest walk to date, 18.5km.

The walk did not flow easily today, my knees were aching from pilates exercises yesterday and also my feet did not feel great.

I think my little inner socks are too tight and once I removed them it felt better walking.

I was weary and even feeling a little downhearted at some point.

Time to rest up now.

Total kilometres to date: 503

Thursday 19 March 2015

Farewell to Millstream

Moodiness of an afternoon storm over Lake Millstream

I am missing the wonderful walks at Millstream as I get ready to walk from home this morning. Yesterday was a rest day and I am restless when I have the recovery day, almost as if I worry about not getting going again.

Anyway, also cool and a fine drizzle on our walk, coffee was a treat.

  • Walking log: 19th March
9km at a good pace.

Total kilometres to date: 484.5

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Otters of Lake Millstream

Another special early morning view with coffee

A family of otters made a quick appearance this morning on Lake Millstream as we were planning our walk into Dullstroom for breakfast.

The main road into Dullstroom is not ideal for a walk, but we needed to get in our weekly longer distance for stamina.

I can recommend Charlie C's yummy spicy chicken liver breakies in Dullstroom.

We were getting hot on the return leg and so appreciated the swim at the recreation centre.

  • Walking log: 17th March
15km round trip from our unit at Millstream to Dullstroom. 

Total kilometres to date: 475.5

Monday 16 March 2015

Sunrise at Millstream

Sunrise at Millstream
An early start to the day and quietly sitting on the veranda watching the yellows and pinks of the sunrise.

A shorter walk this morning as Brian and Di needed to starting heading back to Greyton.

  • Walking log: 16th March
Fresh morning walk with a few short steep sections. 
Walking companions: Bri and Di Dawes.

Total kilometres to date: 458.5

Fierce afternoon thunderstorm with hail, kept us indoors for lazy reading on the couch. Rain was followed by a swarm of flying ants. We eventually walked at dusk with the bats and an amazing sky.
Gate and back at a fast pace.

Total kilometres to date: 463.5

Sunday 15 March 2015

Another perfect walk here at Millstream

Another beautiful morning, and a perfect reflection on Lake Millstream.

We headed out for our walk via the crane enclosure, which has a pair of Crowned Cranes being rehabilitated. They are such lovely birds.

We had excellent mammal sightings this morning, a Black-backed Jackal, a Grey duiker and a small herd of Grey rhebuck, along with close encounters with the zebra. And a Long-crested Eagle overhead.

Walking at its best.

  • Walking log: 15th March
A particularly fine 10km walk and felt strong.
Walking companions, Bri and Di Dawes.

Total kilometres to date:  449

Afternoon showers cleared up for a late 4km walk to Tintern Waters with Di, saw a few Scrub Hare on the way too. The guineafowl calling were a treat.

Total kilometres to date: 453

Close encounters with Zebra along our walks.

Saturday 14 March 2015

Changeable Millstream

Another morning, another cup of coffee and a cool, misty vista across Lake Millstream.

The weather is so much part of any Millstream stay and we can have all four seasons in one day. After the thunderstorm yesterday we woke up to a misty Lake Millstream and a cool breeze. 
Most of the mist burnt off before we set off for our morning walk and it was warm by the time we got back to the unit. 
A delicious decadence has crept into our breakfasts, whiskey and cream on our oats, as Brian said if it looks like Scotland lets have a Scottish treat. Makes for a wonderful way to end the walk.

  • Walking log: 14th March
9km walking trail around the high spots on Millstream Farm.
I am feeling the accumulative affect of the daily 10km but still loved been out and having long conversations with Di along the way.

Walking companions: Bri and Di Dawes

Total kilometres to date: 439

Friday 13 March 2015


Lake Millstream and an early morning coffee before walking.
After a two year break, we are back at a well-loved place, our timeshare at Millstream near Dullstroom.

I have been so looking forward to getting here and also excited about walking along the wonderful paths.

There are well laid out trails between the dams with nice elevation changes too. The farm is on the high altitude grasslands of Mpumalanga with an average height of 1800m. The highest point on the farm is 2000m which gets the heart rate up nicely.

We are able to get up close and watch the zebras, blesbok and springbuck along the way and the late summer wild flowers are still lovely to see.

The perimeter walk is close to 10km and what  a pleasure to walk in the fresh cool air and have the place almost to ourselves.

This reminds my why I love walking and why I am pushing myself to be prepared for the Ultra Walk in August.

  • Walking log: 12th March
Early morning coffee and a rusk before walking from Unit 12, up and over the ridge, along the 'Serengeti Plains' and around the farm. Felt wonderful to be walking.
Brian Dawes joined us for the morning walk.
Millstream Walking Trails

Total kilometres to date: 414

Afternoon walk around Lake Millstream with Di Dawes watching the egrets coming in to roost in the reeds.

Total kilometres to date: 416

  • Walking log: 13th March
Another beautiful morning, foot on the path and walked the same route in reverse.

Walking companions: Bri and Di Dawes.

Total kilometres to date: 426

Morning swim and sauna.

After the thunderstorm, took a sunset solo walk.

Total kilometres to date: 430 

Wednesday 11 March 2015

When walking is a slog

It's mid-week and time for a longish walk, but my body was not in the walking movie today.

I felt sluggish and grumpy along the 10km route.

Traffic was awful, pavements dirty, there was nothing to hook my attention away from a weary body and feet.

So I cross the 400km mark with no fanfare.

I am picking limes from my small tree, packing for a week at Millstream near Dullstroom and looking forward to being inspired to walk around the trout farm.

  • Walking log: 404
Uninspiring 10km urban walk among the morning traffic.

Sunday 8 March 2015

Experiencing what 20 kilometres feels like

A few landmarks
Each time we walk I look out for my favourite landmarks, the Spotted Thick-knee's that are a permanent feature along the fence of the Killarney Golf Club, or the mosaic at the back end of the walk towards Killarney. I am also loving seeing new things too as we venture further away from home on each walk.

Yesterday was yet another milestone for my Eco Ventures Ultra Walk preparation; my first 20 kilometre walk to the Cnr. Cafe in Craighall Park.

  • Walking log: 7th March
Each time we add distance the experience during the walk differs.
I walked through the discomfort of my feet and eventually they almost receded as a background noise as other parts of my body took the foreground.

I noticed how tired I was feeling in my upper body at the back end of the walk, shoulders and back, even my neck.

Total kilometres to date: 385

I received this link from a walker I know and it is so on point about walking in our suburbs, thanks Sharon:

  • Walking log: 8th March
Late night, early morning but still happy to have an easy walk to Rosebank for movies.
Hot walking back but feeling fine.
A security guard saw me on both legs of the walk and said to me, "I see you are really  fit", I replied, “Getting there” and he said, “ No you there.”
Just made me grin, stepped a little stronger and kept going.

Total kilometres to date: 394

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Five Bridges walk

High point of the walk, a forest called Jo'burg
Mid-week and time for a good walk.

The mornings are lovely here in Johannesburg at the moment and it is pleasure being out on a path.

The parks and golf courses make for a green belt along the M1 and nice for walking, despite frantic morning work traffic.

  • Walking log: 4th March
The 11.5km Five Bridges walk takes us from the bridge at Killarney Mall to the bridge at Melrose Arch. Coffee at Migali in the little Oaklands Centre before heading home.

Total kilometres to date: 358

  • Walking log: 5th March:
Walked 7km to get bloods done, so no morning coffee, rather sluggish body today and low on energy.  Ah, the impact of caffeine. Sorted that out at the Mugg n Bean.

Total kilometres to date: 365

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Walking at 20 percent more effort

Speed: 15 min easy walking before and after power training.
X2 50m ; X2 100m ; X2 200m
X2 400m ; X1 600m
60 – 75

6 - 8

Once a week the training schedule from Eco Ventures calls for a Speed walk between 6-8 km.

Today we headed out on our walk past the Melrose Arch Hindu Temple, around the Norwood Pick n Pay, before heading home. A 7.5 km walk.

I was able to shift my speed between 10.5 km/min and 8.5 km/min for alternating blocks along the walk.

The 20% more effort is noticeable, my arms have to work, I shorten my pace and really go for it.

  • Walking log: 3rd March
Speed walking. 7.5km. Worked hard.

Total kilometres to date: 346.5