Thursday 30 April 2015

Transitioning - Cape Town

Our road trip has taken us walking in the Karoo, around Greyton, along the shore at Hermanus and we are now in Cape Town.

We took Sharon to our favourite seaside stroll from Muizenburg to St James. It was an all weather walk, a little sun and a little rain, but nothing a good breakfast and coffee did not make right.

We dipped on a sighting of the mega rarity, a Citrine Wagtail, that has been showing at the Strandfontein Sewage Works, so took a quick speed walk around the Common and I now feel settled into our Cape Town flat.

  • Walking log: 30th April
3km St James walk.
Walking companion: Sharon Jansen

Total kilometres to date: 729

3km speed walking around the Rondebosch Common

Total kilometres to date: 782

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Walking the Hermanus Cliff Path

Views from the Cliff Path in Hermanus
A couple of days of lovely morning walks along the Cliff Path. These autumn days in the Cape are near perfect.

  • Walking log: 27th and 28th April
12 km of wonderful walking along the concrete path following the cliffs along the seashore.
Walking companions: Natalie Uren, Bev Edkins and Sharon Jansen

Total kilometres to date: 723

  • Walking log: 29th April
3km walk around the Rondebosch Common.
Walking companion: Sharon Jansen

Total kilometres to date: 726

Sunday 26 April 2015

Sunday morning in Greyton

Another quite beautiful autumn morning in the Overberg. A gentle walk around the farm felt just right after a night of learning to salsa - glad I only have to walk, I am no dancer.

I am listening to the Spurwing Geese as they fly over, the guineafowls in the fields and Di is frying up a cooked breakfast.

Quite marvellous.

  • Walking log: 26th April
4km walk with a steep ascent.

Total kilometres to date: 711

Saturday 25 April 2015

A walk in Greyton and we pass the 700km milestone

Bucolic Greyton, Brian and Fred on the path 
Setting off this morning with Bri and Di across the fields from Dwarskloof Farm.

The grass was still damp with the dew, a light breeze, a Denham's Bustard flying overhead and a rather distressing Secretarybird caught in the barb wire fence, what a horrible way to die.

But still idyllic to be here.

The plan was to head up and over Leurkop to get into town but there was no obvious path so we joined up with the dirt road into Greyton instead.

The village was busy and the market bustling. Fred bought some lovely woven rugs for the newly renovated entertainment space in Norwood.

We felt strong after the 10km walk, so after scrambled eggs and coffee at Via's, we decided to walk back.

What a different perspective, mostly uphill, very windy, midday heat, so I felt most of the next 9km, or as Fred calls it the 'back nine'!

But I am always entertained by Fred and the cows along the way.... here's to getting to 1000km of preparation for my Eco Ventures Ultra Walk in August.

  • Walking log: 25th April
19km along the back roads of Dwarskloof Pass to Greyton and back from Swallow Hill Winery.
Upper body felt tired along the last few kilometres, but feet were fine. 
Feel good after a lengthy shower and a mug of tea, and my achy body is a testament to a fine walk.

Walking companions: Bri and Di Dawes

Total kilometres to date: 707

A morning on a Karoo Farm

Our usual go to stop for an overnight in the Karoo was fully booked, so we ended up on a farm just outside Beaufort West. I did miss the walking at Steenbokkie Nature Reserve but it was interesting to wake up and walk around a seed farm.

The farmer buys in onions, spring onions or carrots and grows them for seeds for a seed merchant. A first for Fred and I.

We did a brisk walk along the road to stretch our legs before the next leg of the road trip to Cape Town.

Of course, all walks are really about finding that good cup of coffee, which we did at our stop in De Rust. The Village Trading Post is a gem with delicious food.

  • Walking log: 24th April
5km quick walk, fresh Karoo air.

Total kilometres to date: 688

Now onto Greyton for a walk.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Speed walk to the dentist

My ongoing commitment to 'Physical time' – Taking time to move and let your body be active

Back in Johannesburg.
Back to pounding pavements.
Used the dentist as the destination for a walk to Melrose Arch this morning.

  • Walking log: 21st April
10km, some at speed.

Total kilometres to date: 677

  • Walking log: 22nd April
6km walk to do my banking admin rather than driving.

Total kilometres to date: 683

Magaliesberg Walking: Balancing Rocks

Quite wonderful rock structures along our walk

Such a restful place.
View from 'Mushroom Rock' towards Buffelspoort Dam, Magaliesberg.

Endless views while sitting on the deck, a fireside chat around the boma, sharing stories, a lovely time to check in with friends.

Sunday morning was overcast, but fortunately no sign of rain so we headed out for a walk this time to the ridge to see some of the quite fantastical balancing rocks.

  • Walking log: 19th April
9km hike, a good power walk up some steep inclines, up and down a small ravine and over to the plateau of the magnificent gorge.
Great walking, we all felt energised and strong.

Walking companion: Phil Ridgwell

Total kilometres to date: 667

Pleasure of walking from Utopia into the Tonquani/Cedarberg Gorge in the Magaliesberg

Magaliesberg Walking: Boulders Kloof

Early morning wake up, a cup of freshly brewed coffee, and on the deck with Phil at Utopia watching the sun rising behind the mist and clouds over the Magaliesberg.

It was a perfect morning for a walk, not cold not hot and in a quite beautiful place.

As we walked Phil showed us some of the local flora, like the rather bizarre Orbea flower and the wonderful form of the Aloe Peglari.

The walking was challenging, rocky veld and I had to watch my footing all the time but what a pleasure to be out in nature with no one else in sight.

  • Walking log: 18th April
7km hike to the Boulder's Kloof from Utopia along the ridge of the gorge.
Walking companion: Phil Ridgwell

Total kilometres to date: 658

Plants along our walks in the Magaliesberg

Friday 17 April 2015

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Getting some distance for the week

Circles getting bigger and bigger.
Its a tuesday.

Memories of Barry's school years.
Time to spend a few hours walking.

The walk this morning was up Munroe Drive, views if St. John's, down past the Wilds, across the highway through Killarney, to the Zoo, through Saxonwold, into Rosebank, wonderful Woolies Grande coffee before heading home.
  • Walking log: 14th April
14km suburban walk. All good.

Total kilometres to date: 635.5

  • Walking log: 15th April
4.5km speed walk around the Golf Course

Total kilometres to date: 640

  • Walking log: 16th April
11km walk, two golf courses, two parks. Strong and well paced walk. Shoes holding me fine.

Total kilometres to date: 651

Saturday 11 April 2015

A birthday walk

A man with his own chair.
We are back in Johannesburg.

A birthday weekend and Fred celebrating.

Special knives, an ice-cream maker from Shawni and Craig, a walk to Voodoo Lily, his customised chair, eggs benedict, lots of well wishers.

A weekend long of being with friends and family.

  • Walking log: 11 April
11.5 morning walk. Using a protein shake before long walks to improve energy levels. Good walk.

Total kilometres to date: 621.5

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Walking between the piers

A cooler day in Durban and good for walking.

We were back on the promenade for another stamina outing and walked two lengths and a bit to make up a 15km non-stop walk. Half the daily distance that we would be doing along our Eco Ventures Ultra Walk in August.

Fred was running up and down dunes and the beaches to get me photos of the piers along the way, his energy always amazes me, but today I found it demotivating me as I do not have his stamina and strength and never will.

  • Walking log: 7th April
The walk did not flow easily, I was aware of aches and felt each of the 15 kilometres.
So even having walked more than 600 kilometres, I have to work on each and every walk.

Total kilometres to date: 606

Post script:

  • Walking log: 9th April
Had an indulgent rest day with my sister Doreen and her kids so this morning Fred and I were up early for a fast power walk which felt great. I also had a revelation that I need to eat something like a boiled egg before our long walks, I think that the coffee and rusk before the 15 km early in the week contributed to my lack of energy.

Total kilometres to date: 610

Durban piers along the Promenade.

Monday 6 April 2015

Back on the Beach

Moody view from the Loft
Moody day in Toti.

The temperature has dropped 10 degrees, even a little fine rain on our walk, not many people around.

It has not felt busy this Easter.

Easy beach walk and always such a pleasure to be beside the sea.

  • Walking log: 6th April
5km along Warner Beach.

Total kilometres to date: 591

Sunday 5 April 2015

Easter Sunday, Lindt Bunny and a power walk

The Lindt Bunnies ready for Easter sunday and our morning visit to Dad.

We have a vista from the Loft across the river and the sports fields here in Toti. So we went out early this morning to walk the fields and the cycle path next to the river.

Also the walk up steep Gordon Road is certainly a nice power challenge and good to get the heart rate up.

And we added in a couple of circuits of the cricket pitch at pace.

  • Walking log: 5th April
7km power and speed walking around the suburb and fields below the Loft.

Total kilometres to date: 586

Walking our 'view' from the Loft in Toti

Friday 3 April 2015

Two beaches walk and not in the sea

Warner Beach at low tide
Sometimes the tide is low, the weather cooler and the timing right to walk from Warner Beach to the mouth of the Illovo River. 

And today was just such a morning, overcast, not as hot as yesterday and we were on the beach early.

Love the way our map looks like we swam this morning. 

We did take our shoes off for the last few kilometres and my pedi is ruined. Will try get a repair done.

  • Walking log: 3rd April
10km beach walk, mostly nice firm sand but at times soft and more challenging. 

The stretch of beach to the mouth of the Illovo River is one of the nicest around, so it was good to be walking.

Total kilometres to date: 574

  • Walking log: 4th April
Warner Beach at low tide this morning. Sea was beautiful.
Good 5 km walk.
Pedi redo and a nice foot massage.

Total kilometres to date: 579

Wednesday 1 April 2015

My first Half Marathon Walk

uShaka to Blue Lagoon, scenes along our 21 km walk, Durban Promenade

It is the 1st April but my first half marathon walk is certainly not an April's Fool joke.

We were up early to get to the wonderful Durban Promenade, such a special place to walk.

A beautiful late summer's day, warm with a slight breeze.

Lots of people and dogs out on the paths, all of us enjoying the pleasure of being out and about.

uShaka to Blue Lagoon Beach is about 7km, so we 'promenaded' 3 times to make up the half marathon.

Not only is this my longest walk to date, our first break was at 18.5km, which is the longest single stretch I have attempted.

Goodness me, my toes ached like crazy when I removed my shoes during our stop.

We had brunch at the hugely popular Circus Circus, which is always a treat.

I am now quite weary but pleased to have reached this new milestone in my walking adventure.

  • Walking log: 1 April
21 km walk. 
Shoes holding me well. 
Feet did burn but did not hold me back, same with my left knee, just kept going. 

Total kilometres to date: 564

2nd April, a rest day with a special treat, massage and pedi. Body and feet saying thanks to both.