Saturday 25 April 2015

A walk in Greyton and we pass the 700km milestone

Bucolic Greyton, Brian and Fred on the path 
Setting off this morning with Bri and Di across the fields from Dwarskloof Farm.

The grass was still damp with the dew, a light breeze, a Denham's Bustard flying overhead and a rather distressing Secretarybird caught in the barb wire fence, what a horrible way to die.

But still idyllic to be here.

The plan was to head up and over Leurkop to get into town but there was no obvious path so we joined up with the dirt road into Greyton instead.

The village was busy and the market bustling. Fred bought some lovely woven rugs for the newly renovated entertainment space in Norwood.

We felt strong after the 10km walk, so after scrambled eggs and coffee at Via's, we decided to walk back.

What a different perspective, mostly uphill, very windy, midday heat, so I felt most of the next 9km, or as Fred calls it the 'back nine'!

But I am always entertained by Fred and the cows along the way.... here's to getting to 1000km of preparation for my Eco Ventures Ultra Walk in August.

  • Walking log: 25th April
19km along the back roads of Dwarskloof Pass to Greyton and back from Swallow Hill Winery.
Upper body felt tired along the last few kilometres, but feet were fine. 
Feel good after a lengthy shower and a mug of tea, and my achy body is a testament to a fine walk.

Walking companions: Bri and Di Dawes

Total kilometres to date: 707

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