Sunday 31 May 2015

Walking for shoes and shoes for walking

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.

Today we passed the 1000 kilometre milestone on the way to The Sweat Shop to buy my next pair of shoes. I have already done 500km in my first pair and need to walk in new shoes for our August Eco Ventures Ultra Walk.

When I look back to the first walk, which was on the 9th January, a walk along the sea path at Kalk Bay, and which marked the start of the preparation for the Ultra Walk, I am so pleased with progress.

I have persevered, I have learnt so much, I have gotten fitter and stronger, I have been exhausted and sore, I have been disheartened, I have been so thankful for Fred and his support even though he can be a most annoying coach, I have enjoyed walking with friends and family too; but mostly it has been about the pleasure of being outdoors, finding that great cappuccino and the commitment to my declaration to push myself physically.

We are averaging 200km per month, combining long walks with shorter speed walks as well as power walks when we can find a good hill or two.

On the 1st April I did my first 21km half marathon walk along the Durban Promenade and the first 30km walk was in Cape Town on the 10 May.

Our walking has taken us from the Atlantic Seaboard in Cape Town to the Promenade in Durban to the Cliff Path in Hermanus; to beach walks in Noordhoek and in Warner Beach; to the mountains in the Magaliesburg, as well as in Greyton and in Cape Point and to the iconic Table Mountain in Cape Town; from high altitude grassland walking on Millstream Farm, Mpumalanga to the semi desert of the Karoo; from the Newlands Forest in Cape Town to the Rondebosch Common; from gentle Natal Midlands walking to farm walking in Greyton; to an early morning walk in Bloemfontein; and in between the many, many kilometres of harsh and mostly hot urban pavements of Johannesburg, Amanzimtoti and Cape Town as we go about our daily lives in our homes.

The 301 kilometre walk over 10 days is now two and a half months away. The preparation continues....

  • Walking log: 31 May
14km urban walk for new shoes.

Total kilometres to date: 1009

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Feet in the coffee

The barista this morning at Vovo Telo made this cuppa for Fred.

How completely wonderful.

We had just done our early morning 12 km walk, powering up and over Munro Drive, through the streets of Killarney and over the highway at Atholl-Oaklands to get into Grant Avenue in Norwood.

Weight off our feet, glass of water and when the coffee arrived I was so enchanted.

I had walked without my phone, so I leaned over to the table behind me, met Ash and she kindly took the photos and what'apped me.

All in a morning's walk.

  • Walking log: 27th May
12.5 km power walk.

Total kilometres to date: 982.5


  • Walking log: 28th May
5km with some speed along the way.

Total kilometres to date: 987.5

  • Walking log: 30th May
7.5 km early morning walk, starting to feel the cooler air now and the fragrance of the incense as we walked past the Buddhist Temple was so nice. I love the fresh feel of the winter blue sky.

Total kilometres to date: 995

Tuesday 26 May 2015

The soul feeds on the detail of life, Thomas Moore

Taking pleasure in my new orchid from Barry and Kim
Thomas Moore in his book Care of the Soul, has a way of talking about the soul that I like.

'Tending the things around us and becoming sensitive to the importance of home, daily schedule, and maybe even the clothes we wear, are ways of caring for the soul.'

Care of the soul's goal is 'to give ordinary life the depth and value that come with soulfulness.'

'It feeds on the details of life, on its variety, its quirks, and its idiosyncrasies.'

As we transition between our places and our travels, I need the time to be in my home, getting into the detail and settling into the pleasure of our routine.

I walk a few days less when in Johannesburg as my routine includes my pilates on mondays and fridays. So I noticed today how I felt resistant to leaving home and walking, so I compromised, instead of driving to Killarney to get my tasks done, I walked.

  • Walking log: 26th May
6km Killarney walk. 
Felt a discomfort the whole way. Must be from new muscles worked at pilates and being hunched over a sewing machine and a laptop.

Total kilometres to date: 970

Sunday 24 May 2015

Sylvia's Pass - Chinatown - Martie

Johannesburg's Chinatown
Our destination this morning was to Bedford Gardens to see Martie. She is recovering from her spinal surgery. I so look forward to her been mobile again and so we can doing some walking together. We had cappuccino's in the ward and then walked home.

Sylvia's Pass is good for a power walk and I found the longer uphill return leg certainly got my heart rate up. The next part of the walk was through Johannesburg's Chinatown which continues to expand into the houses of Cyrildene and the main shopping strip was vibrant and busy. I would have loved to buy a huge basketful of all the greens on offer. Another time.

  • Walking log: 24th May
18km suburban walk, with uphill walking on both legs of the walk. I can feel the impact of both the hill and the distance. 

Total kilometres to date: 964

Thursday 21 May 2015

Back on the pavements

Transitioned back to Johannesburg and already I am missing the mountains and the sea. I notice it takes a little more motivation to go walking here.

So I took pleasure looking at the pavements gardens and late flowering shrubs today as we did our walk to Killarney to do some admin.

  • Walking log: 21 May
6km walk to Killarney and back.

Total kilometres to date: 946

Monday 18 May 2015

Peeping at 'The Spook House', Rondebosch

'Jac Loopuyt House, also known as The Ghost House of Rondebosch, is a picturesque Edwardian residence nicknamed "The Spook House". It is rumoured that a strange cult resided there in the 1970’s and there are stories of doors being opened and closed inexplicably and a transparent elderly man wandering around.'
A new week, also a transition week back to Johannesburg from Cape Town and so a quick last walk between sorting out the flat and getting organised.

I had noticed a wonderful old Edwardian home along Milner Road on a previous walk so decided to go back and peep through the imposing gold and black metal gates to get a few photos.

Nothing spooky at all to me but I am amused that it's history is checkered and the house has quite the reputation here in Cape Town.

  • Walking log: 18th May
8.5km suburb walk.

Total kilometres to date: 940

Sunday 17 May 2015

Sweeping beauty of Walker Bay

Installation art, 'Nest", Hermanus

We love the Cliff Path that follows the sweep of Walker Bay along the cliffs of Hermanus.

The challenge today was to walk from the car park at Grotto Beach all the way to the pier at the Harbour.

Fred was most bemused when the distance was a few meters more than 10 kilometres.

A fabulous walk.

The weather just right and the sea air rich with ozone. The waves were huge, the tide was coming in so we had wonderful views from the path of sprays many meters high.

Apparently the first whales have been seen but I was not scanning the the bay, I was looking close in, at the coastal vegetation, the birds, the dassies, the homes along the path and listening to the Clicking Stream Frogs.

I was pleased to see that the piece of installation art that I like, called 'Nest', is still in place.

Bev introduced Circle to The Bistro, Just Pure, so Fred and I stopped along the walk for a kick arse coffee and croissants.

  • Walking log: 16th May
20 km walk from Grotto Beach to the Harbour and back. Great walking and felt strong.

I did have to get up at 3am however for a Cataflam, my feet and legs were throbbing and made for a restless sleep.

Total kilometres to date: 931.5

Friday 15 May 2015

No frills

No frills this morning.

I can step out our door, open the gate and access the tarred pavements around the 38ha of the Rondebosch Common.

No phone, no photos, no stopping, no coffee, no distractions, just my thoughts, noticing my irritating fringe, traffic noise receding, the cool breeze, others with their feet on the tarred pavements.
Just walking and grateful for the gift of time to spend a few hours walking.

  • Walking log: 15th May
11km, 4 laps of the Common. 

Total kilometres to date: 911.5

Thursday 14 May 2015

Evening walking in the Southern Suburbs

Sunset and clouds over Table Mountain
My commitment to walking fades as the day progresses and I have never been driven to exercise late in the day. It's mostly about the reluctance to change and also feeling lazy.

Today we did change and went walking so that I could get to the 900 kilometre mark.  We stumbled on a really well kept secret here in the Southern Suburbs, the lovely Keurboom Park, its large with huge pines, lots of paths, little concrete bridges over the streams and impressive sports facilities. 

Made for a nice surprise along the way. 

  • Walking log: 14th May
7.5km sunset walk, dinner stop at Michaels, our local along Campsground Road and then home. 

Total kilometres to date: 900.5

Wednesday 13 May 2015

A morning on the mountain

Path down to Rhodes Memorial
It is still such a pleasure to be on the paths and the boardwalks of Newlands Forest here in Cape Town.

A cooler start to the day with some cloud cover, so different to yesterday which felt like a typical summer's day.

A strong power walk up to the contour path is so good for building strength for our mountain days on our Ultra Walk in August.

The path down to Rhodes Memorial is always a challenge for me, steep and uneven steps, but the rest stop at the restaurant is a treat. Fred loves his huge English breakfast.

  • Walking log: 13th May
9km with the steep section to the Contour Path.

Total kilometres to date: 893

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Receiving messages

A sign from Babylonstoren that resonates with me.
A message from Inel made me smile.

Having done my first 30km walk I did wonder what the walk today would feel like. I am reminded of a message from Paula, who I met at Natalie's birthday sushi and bubbles and has done the Camino, you walk yourself into fitness through the event. Gives me encouragement.

Inel sent me this message, so true too, so I planned an easy walk along the Seapoint Promenade.

From a motivation point of view I had no problem getting going. I did however feel heavy limbed and my feet were little tender. So I kept it easy.

  • Walking log: 11th May
8km along the Atlantic Seaboard.
Walking companions: Ian and Julie Wedderburn

Total kilometres to date: 880

  • Walking log: 12th May
Such a pleasure not to focus on distance but speed. 
4km speed walking around Common and suburbs around the flat. 
Felt good.

Total kilometres to date: 884

Monday 11 May 2015

A perfect day for a 30km walk

Cape Town is a place of real beauty and when the weather is perfect, it is magnificent.

Sunday, Mother's Day, we set off from a parking lot just before the V & A Waterfront. The plan was to walk along the Atlantic Seaboard, Green Point, Seapoint, Bantry Bay, Clifton to Camps Bay and return.

It was so wonderful to be out walking that we decided to keep going and do our first 30km walk.

The stops along the way were a delight too. Stops between the 6 hours of walking are really important to me otherwise the walking would be too punishing.
A banana on 4th Beach, Clifton.
Coffee and a wickedly good almond croissant at Baked Bistro, Camps Bay which immediately is a keeper and I cannot wait to return. A Mother's Day chat with Shawni was a good motivator too.
A light lunch at the Grand Cafe & Society in Camps Bay.
Hot chocolate at Den Anker in the Waterfront, our end point.

I am delighted to have gotten this far in my preparation, to have done my first 30km.

  • Walking log: 10th May
I felt very strong over the first 20km and was so chuffed to feel the kilometres slipping along. 
Up to 25 km I was ok, but I certainly felt each kilometre along the last stretch. 
My upper back got tired, knees sore but my feet were great in my shoes, which are well walked in and comfortable. I took a couple of anti-inflamatories which made a difference, a tip from my GP.

A new sensation was my calves seizing up after the walk. I am feeling fine this morning and ready to walk.

Total kilometres to date: 872

Saturday 9 May 2015

If its Saturday in Cape Town, its a walk to the Biscuit Mill

Looking up, scene from our suburb
A walk to the Biscuit Mill precinct for breakfast and picking up provisions for supper tonight.

Even did some clothes shopping for autumn, talk about walking distractions.

  • Walking log: 9th May
8.5km walk. My knee is very achy at present, going to try Cataflam.
Walking companions: Ian and Julie Wedderburn

Total kilometres to date: 841.5

Friday 8 May 2015

A day along the coast

Another chance to walk the St James Walkway then up along Main Road to the lighthouse in Kalk Bay. A warm autumn day in the Cape and just perfect for a stroll. And add in a little browsing in the quirky stores along the road, walking made social. 

Later in the afternoon we did a short walk between Simon's Town and Glencairn.

  • Walking log: 8th May
8km of walking in around Kalk Bay and Simon's Town.
Walking companions: Ian and Julie Wedderburn

Total kilometres to date: 833

Sights from Muizenburg to Simon's Town

Thursday 7 May 2015

Bird Walk at the Kirstenbosch Gardens

Scenes from Kirstenbosch
I have noticed how my walking focus this year is squeezing out my interest in bird watching. My binoculars get left behind and the determined walking does not allow for a quick stop to see what is flitting in a bush or tree.

So yesterday I joined the Cape Bird Club on their outing to Kirstenbosch.
Bird list: African Goshawk, Malachite Sunbird, Jackal Buzzard, Red-winged Starling, Helmeted Guineafowl, Dusky Flycatcher, Cape Robin-chat, Bar-throated Apalis, Pied Crow, Forest Canary, Black Sparrowhawk, White-breated Cormorant, Olive Thrush, Spotted Eagle Owl, Orange-breasted Sunbird, African Olive Pigeon, Southern Double-collared Sunbird, Egyptian Goose, Hadeda, Cape Spurfowl, Red-eyed Dove, Cape Bulbul, Swee Waxbill, Karoo Prinia, Cape White-eye, Sombre Greenbul.

A nice list. We spent the day in the gardens. I did not track the walk but my knees were aching and I felt tired having not gone very far!

Cannot wait to be walking again.

Update: A second day of ambling through a beautiful kitchen garden, Babylonstoren. A warm day, sunny and lovely to see this garden again, with it's citrus ripening at present.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Introducing our favourite walks to Ian and Julie

All visits need to start with a warm-up stroll around the Common, so I took Ian and Julie to watch the sunset behind Table Mountain from the Common.

  • Walking log: 4th May
3km Common evening walk.
Walking companions: Ian and Julie Wedderburn

Total kilometres to date: 809

Low tide was at an ideal time for a walk on the Noordhoek beach this morning. I have not seen such a low low tide here, the rocks with clusters of muscles and barnacles were high and dry, at places the sea reminded me of the flats in the Bahamas, except for the chilly wind.

A moody atmospheric walk, light rain on the return and a firm fabulous beach. I loved striding out and not having to watch my footing for a change.

  • Walking log: 5th May
8km Beach walk.
Walking companions: Ian and Julie Wedderburn.

Total kilometres to date: 817

4km walk from Newlands to the flat, post birthday sushi and bubbles with Natalie and her friends. And a 4km walk to Michaels and back for supper.

Total kilometres to date: 825

Monday 4 May 2015

"Teach us to care and not to care" T S Eliot

The interplay of morning light, a cool breeze, the flat calm sea, a marvellous path and companionship made for a walk to delight in and to remember.

The contour path on the western side of Table Mountain, starts at the Kloof Nek parking, passes beneath the Apostles with quite extraordinary views across to Lions Head, Camps Bay and out to sea.

The walk is at about 300m above sea-level, essentially flat until it runs into the Slangolie Ravine, a natural turning point after 5km. Water and an apple and the return walk with its just as impressive vistas.

Natalie shared a line from T S Eliot's Ash Wednesday, 'Teach us to care and not to care'. 
I have cared about the preparation and the commitment to my walking this year. The real learning for me will be to get to the 15th August, take my first step of the 301km and to not care, to let go.

  • Walking log: 3 May
10 km hike along the Pipe Track Walk on the Camps Bay side of Table Mountain. 
Felt good the whole way.
Walking companion: Natalie Uren

Total kilometres to date: 806

Saturday 2 May 2015

Late afternoon stroll

The view from my couch here in Cape Town.

I looked at the late afternoon light and put shoes on to walk around the Common before settling down for the evening.

  • Walking log: 2 May
So nice to stretch my legs after yesterday's hike. 3km easy walk.

Total kilometres to date: 796

Friday 1 May 2015

Fynbos hike, Cape Point

At midday we set off from the parking at Olifantsbos, Cape Point, to hike the 3 hour Sirkelsvlei trail.

I had followed the devastating Cape Town fires a few months ago but seeing the impact firsthand is shocking. The landscape is scorched, barren and still smells of a disused fireplace.

We did hike up and through the burn zone into fynbos which quite beautiful. The trail is rocky, sandy and undulating which made for a good challenging hike.

The interior vlei was a surprise as were the interesting rock arches along the route.

  • Walking log: 1 May
8km Sirkelsvlei circular hike through the fynbos at Cape Point. 
Strong walking, at times my feet slipped or twisted in my shoes but otherwise felt good.

Total kilometres to date: 793

On the beach with Baboons

Setting off early this morning at Olifantsbos, Cape Point, we were hoping for a sighting of the Pacific Golden Plover that had been seen during the past week.

The path is a beauty, leading through the fynbos to the beach.

We had no luck with the bird, but the stroll along the beach and rocky shoreline was lovely.

To walk among a troop of baboons is remarkable. They were digging for roots in the sand and quietly moved away as we approached.

  • Walking log: 1 May
A slow 3km along the shoreline while birding.

Total kilometres to date: 785