Tuesday 30 June 2015

Wool and walking

This winter I could quite happily spend the morning walking and the afternoon lost in a ball of wool. How I like what these winter months bring, afternoon sun on my couch in the TV room, while watching my annual sporting highlights, Roland Garros, Wimbledon and Tour de France.

Shawni is here from New Zealand and bought me a bag full of gorgeous Zealana Kiwi wool, I will be knitting her a jersey and cannot wait to get my fingers working. I just need to pop out for the knitting needles. The walk this morning to Rosebank made me realise how sometimes I do not pay attention. The shop I was looking for has closed, and for sometime too, and I had not noticed even though I walk past regularly.

  • Walking log: 30th June
11km mid week walk.

Total kilometres to date: 1196.5

Saturday 27 June 2015

Wisdom of Thoreau

Our saturday walk.

Our regular.

Up Munro Drive, Killarney, Saxonwold and into Rosebank.

Sorting out a few issues at The Mall, excellent coffee at Motherland before heading home via Melrose Estate and Oaklands.

The pavements around the shopping precinct in Rosebank are worth paying attention to and this one caught my eye this morning.

A quote from Thoreau whose ability to pay attention, his appreciation of nature and his prose have inspired me for a long time.

  • Walking log: 27th June
15.5 km stamina walk.

Total kilometres to date: 1176

  • Walking log: 28th June
9.5 morning walk, testing new socks, feel too slippery.

Total kilometres to date: 1185.5

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Yellow leaves

There is a tree on the pavement around the corner that has the loveliest autumn butter yellow leaves.

I have so enjoyed watching the leaves fall.
The carpet of yellow is starting to dry out, to bleach out the colour and to crisp up.

  • Walking log: 23rd June
4.5km speed walk around the golf course. Good strong walk and not as cold either this morning.

Total kilometres to date: 1154.5

When I walked past the tree today, the carpet of leaves had been raked, very few leaves remain. So now I wait for the spring buds.

  • Walking log: 24th June
6km midweek walk to Killarney and back.

Total kilometres to date: 1160.5

Sunday 21 June 2015

Happy hands

Fred has the  orange juice squeezed and ready.

And now waiting for Natalie to arrive for a gentle Sunday walk.

The route took us around the golf course via Killarney to Rosebank for a Woolies cappuccino.

Such a lovely fresh morning, clear bright winter day. I was able to show Natalie a small flock of Ring-necked Parakeets too as they flew into a huge Jacaranda tree.

  • Walking log: 21 June
11km walk. 

Walking companion: Natalie Uren

Total kilometres to date: 1141
Happy hands...and feet too, Natalie and Sharon a walk.

Another very quick walk into Rosebank this morning to see a man about a tooth and a man about glasses.

  • Walking log: 22 June
9km. Speed walk one way. Easy walk back.

Total kilometres to date: 1150

Saturday 20 June 2015

"This world is meant to be walked."

Paola sent me a link to Elizabeth Gilbert on Facebook where she had posted a piece on walking.
I admire her fine detail, her ability to observe and agree with her sentiment below.
"This world was meant to be walked. And if you are a human being, then your body was designed for walking this world, as long as you are able. If you are lucky enough to be able to walk (and not everyone is so lucky) then you should not forget to do it sometimes, if only as an expression of gratitude. 
Saint Augustine said, "SOLVITUR AMBULANDO" — "It is solved by walking". If you have a problem that you cannot solve, take a walk. Somehow, it always makes things better.
Trying to learn your world without walking it is like trying to eat the pictures out of a cookbook. "

We took in the detail of our urban spaces between Norwood and Braamfontein this morning, paying attention and noticing, sometimes with pleasure and sometimes with distaste. The walk took us through urban decay as well as some of our special heritage sites, triggering many memories, of Barry at St. John's, of Fred and my years at Wits University, of places in Braamfontein and of new landmarks and old.

A coffee stop at Father Coffee, a small industrial minimalist space run by some earnest young guys and serving a tasty cuppa indeed. A quick visit to the Neighbourhood Market too for some artisan bread and meat treats before heading back home.

  • Walking log: 20th June
20km stamina walk with plenty of hill work like Munro Drive. Walking fine, started cold as has become the norm at this time of the year. I still get a tired upper back during the last part of these long walks, feet were weary too by the end but otherwise holding up well. The mouth plate is an added irritation but I need to work with it and not complain, I have no choice.

Total kilometres to date: 1130

Tuesday 16 June 2015

A fine skeleton

A quirky mural from 44 Stanley.

I am on a forced break from walking after my visit to the Maxillo-facial surgeon, need a few days for my gum to heal.

Eating is not easy or pleasant with a plate, so this fine skeleton is either begging for food or a walk, or both.

After resting up for a few days I did the usual weekly warm-up walk to Killarney. A very cold and blustery morning, the fat in my legs felt frozen. Stopped for a Woolies cuppaccino to warm up.

  • Walking log: 17th June
6km easy walk.

Total kilometres to date: 1105

  • Walking log: 18th June
5km speed walk around the golf course.

Total kilometres to date: 1110

Saturday 13 June 2015

A remarkable tree

Johannesburg is known for its leafy suburbs and this tree is one of the giants that we pass on many of our walks. 

A remarkable tree.

We set off at 6 degrees this morning, layered up and ready for the long walk of the weekend. The walk took us past Killarney, to Melrose Arch via Corlett Drive, a stop at the Woolies after 10km, up and over the highway to the Norwood Pick n Pay and home through Grant Avenue. 

A practical walk, doing admin along the way and getting the kilometres under foot.

  • Walking log: 13th June
16.5 km walk for stamina. 

Total kilometres to date: 1099

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Our green lung

The new week has started.

Our walks from home take us past the Golf Course which is a block away and I like that we have this green lung close by. I look out for the family of Spotted Dikkops and even in winter the course looks restful and inviting.

  • Walking log: 9th June
5.5km warm up walk to get the week going, pick up milk, buy ciabatta, quick coffee and home. My legs are feeling heavy, like walking in treacle, must still be aftermath of sunday's walk.

Total kilometres to date: 1064

  • Walking log: 10th June
Mid week 9.5km up and over Munro Drive, past Killarney and back along the southern part of the golf course. Feeling stronger. 

Total kilometres to date: 1073.5

  • Walking log: 11th June
4.5km speed walk around the 'green lung'. Crisp and cold. Clouds are quite wonderful. Smoke hanging in the dip in Norwood from home fires. Nice fast walk.

Total kilometres to date: 1078

  • Walking log: 12th June
And again, 4.5km speed walk.

Total kilometres to date: 1082.5

Sunday 7 June 2015

44 Stanley, Urban Cool

Urban cool at 44 Stanley

Finding delicious food.
Sundays are good for setting out on a long walk to build up stamina.

The challenge however is to find interesting destinations to keep us motivated to be on the pavements here in Johannesburg.

The decision to walk to 44 Stanley was perfect. A fair distance through lovely suburbs with a sumptuous breakfast at Salvationcafe, the heaters, blankets and good coffee were most welcome.

  • Walking log: 7th June
18.5 km walk. Walking well, managing the achy knees and back. Wonderful to feel the strength building for long walks.

Total kilometres to date: 1058.5

From 44 Stanley website:

44 Stanley is Joburg’s best kept secret.
The 44 Stanley site was once a series of industrial 1930’s buildings, and has been developed into a collection of speciality boutiques, foodie stops and design studios. Meander through the shady arcades and courtyards to savor the trees, architecture and gorgeous fare; from food, clothing and toys to antiques and interiors. The ambience is a relaxed, friendly and refreshing mix of quintessential Johannesburg elements.

Saturday 6 June 2015

It is winter

I bought this Patagonia fleece in the US last year.

We had a week's timeshare at a ski resort on Lake Tahoe and the stores were having their simmer sales. It has been packed away ever since, so I was rather pleased when the temperature this morning was about 3 degrees and I could use the fleece at last.

A bracing walk.

  • Walking log: 6th June
9km early morning walk. Shoes doing well.

Total kilometres to date: 1040

Wednesday 3 June 2015

"Winter is coming"

“Still ... in this world only winter is certain.” 

The garden this morning at 7am, the oaks have lost their leaves, it was bleak, damp from the light drizzle and dark enough that the lights were still on in our tree.

Someone has flicked the winter switch.

For the first time we were cold starting out for our longish mid-week walk.

  • Walking log: 3rd June
11.5 km walk, including power walk up Munro Drive. The cuppa from Seattle Coffee at the Oaklands Garage was most welcome. Fred carried my old shoes and I did half the walk in the new Asics. Feet a little burny.

Total kilometres to date: 1026.5

  • Walking log: 4th June
A blue sky this morning, windy and cold.
4.5km speed walk around the golf course.

Total kilometres to date: 1031

Tuesday 2 June 2015

New shoes, new shoes

"Choosing Shoes"

by Frida Wolfe
New shoes, new shoes,
Red and pink and blue shoes.
Tell me, what would you choose,
If they'd let us buy?
Buckle shoes, bow shoes,
Pretty pointy-toe shoes,
Strappy, cappy low shoes;
Let's have some to try.
Bright shoes, white shoes,
Dandy-dance-by-night shoes,
Perhaps-a-little-tight shoes,
Like some? So would I.
Flat shoes, fat shoes,
Stump-along-like-that shoes,
Wipe-them-on-the-mat shoes,
That's the sort they'll buy.

  • Walking log: 3rd June
I have shiny, broad, flat and bright orange ones.
Starting the walking week with a 6km warm up. I need to walk in my new Asics and get them ready to use on the Ultra Walk.

Total kilometers to date: 1015

Monday 1 June 2015



"Enjoy the good food and wines of Namaqualand, while you experience the wonder of the flowers. 301Kms are covered on foot through Namaqualand at the peak of the flowering season, walking through carpets of bright orange, yellow and white flowers.

Many of the plant species found in Namaqualand are endemic and found nowhere else in the world. We start walking from Klein Pella, the largest date farm in the Southern Hemisphere on the Namibian border in the north. We then walk to the Richtersveld and south through Namaqualand Klipkoppe, the coastal plain, Knersvlakte and Cedarberg. 

  • Walk from Klein Pella to the historical cathedral of Pella, which was built by French priests, using an encyclopedia as a guide. Enjoy tea with the nuns, while they entertain you with their stories.
  • Walk through Grootvlei to ‘Skilpad” – Namaqualand Nature Reserve and back to ‘Bowedorp”.
  • We take on the Kamies Pass via the streets of Kamieskroon and walk along the crest of the mountain to Nourivier for the rest of the day.
  • From Nourivier, we walk through the Kamies Mountains to Leliefontein in the direction of Garies. Experience the cultural villages of Nourivier and Leliefontein.
  • From Koekenaap we walk into the “Knersvlakte” with its exceptional succulents. The different shapes and colours never fail to amaze.
  • Walk through the vineyards and fields of flowers to “De Punt,” where the Olifants River flows into the sea in the diamond area of Transhex.
  • Walk from Lutzville to Papendorp, turn south to the picturesque little town of Strandfontein on the West Coast.
  • Leave the coast for the Cederberg Mountains – ‘agter Cederberg’ to Wolwedrif, Elizabethfontein to Travellers Rest. Enjoy the many different species of fynbos. 
  • Walk the Seville Bushman paintings trail at Traveller’s Rest. 
  • Leave Traveller’s Rest and walk into the Cederberg mountains, over Pakhuis Pass to Clanwilliam – a personal challenge. The rock formations leave you in awe of nature.
  • Return to the coast and walk from Elands Bay to Lamberts Bay for the last leg of the 301 km. Finish on the beach at Lamberts Bay with an amazing sense of achievement.

A truly breath-taking trip".

Monday's are rest days from walking and I pop into my pilates class first thing in the morning. 
So I have copied this extract from the Eco Ventures website to remind myself of the adventure that awaits us in August. 
Sounds completely wonderful.