Tuesday 9 June 2015

Our green lung

The new week has started.

Our walks from home take us past the Golf Course which is a block away and I like that we have this green lung close by. I look out for the family of Spotted Dikkops and even in winter the course looks restful and inviting.

  • Walking log: 9th June
5.5km warm up walk to get the week going, pick up milk, buy ciabatta, quick coffee and home. My legs are feeling heavy, like walking in treacle, must still be aftermath of sunday's walk.

Total kilometres to date: 1064

  • Walking log: 10th June
Mid week 9.5km up and over Munro Drive, past Killarney and back along the southern part of the golf course. Feeling stronger. 

Total kilometres to date: 1073.5

  • Walking log: 11th June
4.5km speed walk around the 'green lung'. Crisp and cold. Clouds are quite wonderful. Smoke hanging in the dip in Norwood from home fires. Nice fast walk.

Total kilometres to date: 1078

  • Walking log: 12th June
And again, 4.5km speed walk.

Total kilometres to date: 1082.5

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