Friday 21 August 2015

Day 6: Another 30km, 180km in the bag walking the Kamiesberge to Noupoort

Walking in the Kamiesberge
The lack of rain is evident, a parched landscape, dry river beds, and by the time we were walking the last of the two 10km stretches it was very warm. The road was good, broad and easier on the feet than the sandy roads we are used to.

The grasslands up beyond the Kamies Pass are mainly pasture fields for sheep or goats and dotted with farmsteads. Frik was saying its the driest he has seen this part of Namaqualand in 25 years and it is having an affect on the farmers.

When we arrived at our end point, at the tiny hamlet of Noupoort, a group of small children made up a welcoming party and sing about Bushmanland. Fred enjoyed his interaction with them and passed on his energy bars as treats.

  • Walking log: 21st August
180km of 301km. 
Managing well, walking steadily. Recovering reasonably quickly too once we are done for the day. It is no small effort to be on one's feet for 8 hours.
A new blister has emerged today under my big toe, it too is lanced and plastered, my feet are almost comical in their misery.

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