Sunday 23 August 2015

Garies to the Knersvlakte.

A welcoming stop here in Garies. The Stal(i) in town opened their doors for us last night and we had game pie served with stewed dried peaches, a local speciality which was so good.

Fred bought us a 5 year old Quiver tree for our Cape Town garden as a memento, it is no more that half a metre in height as they are slow growers. He also found a signed second-hand copy of "Garden of the Gods" (1984) by the American photographer Freeman Patterson. It is an iconic book from the region.

We keep heading south each day now and our first stop is the Knervlakte for a walk about among the succulents.

Before the walk though we were treated to 'roosterbroodjies', butter, cheese and jams with huge mugs of 'moerkoffie' at the Knersvlakte Spens. The wood fire was going and we were dressed in a few layers keeping warm. Such pleasure in the simple things in life. The family here are succulent specialists and have run a nursery for some 50 years.

We were also given a talk on what to look out for on our walk into the Knersvlakte.

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