Tuesday 20 January 2015

Rest and a brisk warm up walk.

I start my week with another David Whyte poem:

It was rest then, felt as sheer readiness, and the place 
you went to find it, impossible to say, some artful way 
the body looks for just repose after days of walking, …

your body dedicated to anticipation, and to going on,
as if the way ahead had been made only for your feet,
and the breeze as a hand on your back all along, 
the path inside you a parallel that was not a parallel, 
some internal invisible way you had to follow; 
and always with you, a listening in:
an echo in the dark to take along the lighted road.

Excerpted from ‘REST’  
From PILGRIM: Poems by David Whyte
©2012 David Whyte revised Jan: 2015

Registration forms are in and the deposit has been paid.
301 Namaquland Eco Ultra Walk here we come.
I received an outline of a training program from Eco Ventures and I like their sentiment - enjoy the training it is part of your journey.

I had a delicious rest day yesterday, I was even in heals and a skirt, having lunch with special people. My body loved the break and also loved the Dom Pedro.

So this evening we started the weeks training with a brisk power walk over 4 kilometres around the Common and the neighbouring suburb. 

I will need to pay attention to their three components - stamina, power and speed and build it into our preparation

Stamina:   Distance 3 times per week
One to one and a half hours of brisk walking
Power: Walk some hills twice a week
Short 50m stretches of walking uphill
Speed: To enjoy your trip and the scenery
Do fast power walking between alternate telephone poles once a week

  • Walking log: 20th January
Short 4km walk at a brisk pace of 10.1 minutes per km.

Total kilometres to date: 94.5

       Example of one week’s training:

Time - min
Stamina: Distance - brisk walking at one speed
60 -75
6 - 8
Power: 15 min easy walking before and after power training.
4-6 X 50-75m hills
or 6-8 X 30m stairs
50 -60

4 - 6
Stamina: Distance - brisk walking at one speed
60 - 90
7 - 10
Speed: 15 min easy walking before and after power training.
X2 50m ; X2 100m ; X2 200m
X2 400m ; X1 600m
60 – 75

6 - 8
Short easy walk
50 - 60
Stamina: Distance - brisk walking at one speed
120 - 150
14 - 18