Monday 9 February 2015

Stamina walking

Stamina: Distance - brisk walking at one speed
120 - 150 min
14 - 18Km
Our stamina walks, mine in Joburg and Fred's in Cape Town

An invitation to Sunday lunch with June and Ross, while Fred is in Cape Town, got me walking to Sandton from Norwood.

Once a week our training schedule calls for a long brisk walk somewhere between 14 and 18 kilometres.

So I set off at 9am. It's still too hot in Johannesburg for comfortable brisk walking, so I tacked along pavements that were shady and maintained a reasonable pace.

It seemed to be a gradual uphill all the way to Sandton, I took pleasure in the calls of the Dideric Cuckoos, some of the lovely gardens along the way, but mostly I was dodging cars, listening to the noise pollution of diesel generators and doggedly putting one foot in front of the next.

Regular calls from Fred kept me motivated, he even had to send me a map when I was getting 'lost' at one point.

I was tempted to take a seat on these funky benches outside the Nedbank Head Office in Sandton, but I kept moving.

June and Ross fetched me at Coleraine and said enough, too hot and I was very happy to stop too. Thanks friends for taking care of me, the swim and the lunch were such a treat after the walk.

Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time. ~Steven Wright

  • Walking log: 8th February
Fred did 15 km during the evening load shedding.
I walked about 14 km one way and Ross ran me home. I am noticing how far these distances feel and yet we are still a long way off 30 km!
I had a restless night, my feet throbbed, there is a tender spot under one of my calluses. I am still anxious about my feet holding up. Need to buy shoes when Fred gets back.
Quiet walk down the road to pilates this morning. So nice to exercise and stretch, to take the weight off my feet, I certainly need this rest day.

Total kilometres to date: 219