Tuesday 30 June 2015

Wool and walking

This winter I could quite happily spend the morning walking and the afternoon lost in a ball of wool. How I like what these winter months bring, afternoon sun on my couch in the TV room, while watching my annual sporting highlights, Roland Garros, Wimbledon and Tour de France.

Shawni is here from New Zealand and bought me a bag full of gorgeous Zealana Kiwi wool, I will be knitting her a jersey and cannot wait to get my fingers working. I just need to pop out for the knitting needles. The walk this morning to Rosebank made me realise how sometimes I do not pay attention. The shop I was looking for has closed, and for sometime too, and I had not noticed even though I walk past regularly.

  • Walking log: 30th June
11km mid week walk.

Total kilometres to date: 1196.5