Tuesday 18 August 2015

Walking the Wildeperdehoek Pass

We are back in Namaqualand and walked 22km up, over and down the Wildeperdehoek Pass, one of the oldest passes in the area and built by Italian prisoners of war. Walking numbers that I have been talking about for so long and now becoming a reality.

A magnificent road to walk, right on the edge of the Namaqua National Park and to the west of Kamieskroon. An inspiring place.

The change in weather took me by surprise, we were cold quite early in the walk as the damp fog air from the coast blew in. Fresh and invigorating though after the heat of yesterday.

The flowers were amazing, carpets of orange and so many individual flowers that caught my eye and Fred's lens.

  • Walking log: 18th August

22km and the evolving story of my left foot. So my capable strong leading right foot has healed quickly and carried me all  day.

Oh my, my left foot is in a state. 
The blisters on my heel are the size of R1 coins and as I compensate for the pain, my toes are under stress. 
Shew, the last 4 km were painful, I noticed with amusement that no other part of my body dares to complain, no knees, no back, no hips, everything is taking a back seat as I focus on my left foot. I motor up and down the hills my breath hardly changing, just trying to stay in touch with this foot in pain.

I am writing as I wait for Frik to cut the blisters and do his best to help me. Could be more pain in store.

Total kilometres to date: 92km of 301km.

A collage of Fred's wonderful photos from the walk:

A dawn walk at Klein Pella

Good morning Bushmanland!
Our call to walk was at 6.10, it was dark on the drive to our drop off point, our warm up exercises on the road with only the vehicle for light. It was quiet and just wondrous to watch the sky turn pink as the sun started to rise.

The walk down the access road to Klein Pella is special because of the 'forest' of quiver trees standing proud among the grasses.

I do so enjoy this first walk of the day, especially with breakfast waiting at the end. We then packed up, Fred bought dates and we headed back down to Namaqualand and back to the flowers.

  • Walking log: 18th August
8km dawn walk.