Wednesday 27 April 2016

S is for Size: huge ground birds to tiny specks high in the canopy

It's all about size! A Painted Gumtree in the background.
Forest birding is so challenging.

The dense undergrowth is perfect for Antbirds and Antpitta's to skulk but it makes for difficult sightings, I try fit together an image of the bird between, around and over all the vegetation! We then scan the lofty canopy which is alive with calls and the tiniest of birds. Our necks creak and the photographers complain.

The photo shows a large Crested Guan which is about 90cm compared to the Yellow-throated Euphonia on the bottom left and the Common Tody-Flycatcher on the bottom right which are no more than 10 cm from bill to tail.

And then of course, I have to then recall the bird and it's name....

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