Thursday 5 May 2016

F is for Farewell: leaving the sights and sounds of Costa Rica

Some of the unique wildlife of Costa Rica.

Beyond the birds, I was in awe of the sounds of the forests, Howlers do howl, Spiders bark, we so enjoyed whatever crossed our path as we travelled around Costa Rica:

Brown-throated Sloth, Honduran White Bats, Mantled Howler, Central American Spider Monkey, Red-tailed Squirrels, Variegated Squirrels, Central American Aguoti, Crab-eating Raccoon, White-nosed Coati, Tayras, Margay, Collared Peccaries, Green Iguanas, Emerald and Brown Basilisk Lizards.

Even ants were worth watching, the industrious leaf-cutter ants but is was the army ants that brought out all the birds! And a fiery nip to them too.

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