Wednesday 4 May 2016

F is for Feeders: the pleasure of watching the comings and goings

Large-footed Finch enjoying a grain of rice.
The Costa Ricans are as generous with food for the birds as they were with food for us on this trip. Feeders were piled high with rice, pawpaws and bananas. Wherever we stopped we would pop past these homemade wooden feeders, rustic and charming, to see which birds were enjoying the spoils.

Life at these feeders was such a pleasure to watch. It gave me close up views of birds that can be tricky to see properly when flitting around the canopy.

From top left: Clay-colored Thrush, Flame-colored Tanager, Buff-throated Saltator, Speckled Tanager and female Cherrie's Tanager
Even the Red Squirrel loved finding a piece of banana at the feeder.

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