Monday 25 July 2016

N is for Nice: swimming in the Mediterranean Sea

Nice putting on her best face.
A sweltering summer afternoon in Nice, a perfect excuse to head to the Med for a swim after our morning of wool shopping.

We booked ourselves into one of the private beaches, found a shady spot and settled in, swimming, people watching and following all the sporting activities out to sea.

Afternoon ' a la plage', Nice.
That's me, far right, wondering how I was going to navigate the pebbles!
Nice seems resilient post the terror attack of the 14th July. But the two faces that we saw today are not easy to reconcile, the lightness of tourists along the lovely pedestrianised streets or the swimming and sunbathing crowds along the beaches versus the mementoes reflecting the outpouring of grief along the Promenade des Anglais.

Fred feeling the impact of the horror of the attack in Nice.

Serene view of palms and the iconic Le Negresco along the Promenade des Anglais.

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