Tuesday 19 January 2016

M is for Movies: Mayfair Theatre, Kaikoura

Booked for Trumbo.

The Mayfair  Theatre is a community owned and run, Art Deco 1930's gem here in Kaikoura, which still has its authentic pink and black paintwork. We have booked to see Bryan Cranston and Helen Mirren in Trumbo. I have been 'collecting' the Oscar nominees before the awards evening, to date I have seen The Revenant and Joy. 

F is for Flax and Fur Seals: tramping the Kaikoura Peninsula Walkway

We have made Kaikoura, a small South Island East Coast town, our base for the next few days. During the RWC in 2011 we had spent a night here and the setting was quite beautiful, snow-capped mountains rising straight out the sea and I was excited to come back and potter along the vibey West End like last time.

This time the weather has obscured the mountains in a shroud of low hanging clouds, its been grey and drizzly and feels so different, maybe returning is not always a good thing! However - this is a mecca for going out to sea for seabirds, which is the main reason for being here.

The sea was lumpy today so we put off going out sea birding with Albatross Encounters until tomorrow, also the light was not good for photography either, so I am holding thumbs for a better opportunity tomorrow. Ah, the vagaries of the weather.

So we pulled on walking clothes instead and set out along the foreshore road in front of our Motel to tramp the Kaikoura Peninsula Walkway. The walkway surprised and delighted, it is a scenic and wildlife attraction.  Even though the weather was grey, the rain held back and we had wonderful seascapes, particularly from the cliff path section of the walk.

The heroes of the walk were the New Zealand Fur Seals along Point Kean and the huge New Zealand flaxes, which are actually lilies, all along the coastal path. I have been noticing these plants with their ungainly flowers and pods wherever we have been. Its an ancient hardy plant, I read one of the oldest in New Zealand, they are past their summer best now and the pods are twisting and drooping forming quite awkward forms.

Kaikoura Peninsula Walkway