Wednesday 17 February 2016

S is for Shopping: finding a creative designer

Happy with my purchases!
Lou from Stichbury along the Wellington Waterfront makes colourful clothing. And an excellent recovery after giving Fred the wrong parcel...

D is for Days Bay: a ferry ride from Queens Wharf, Wellington

A sky and seascape that pleases!
Weathered and worn and very beautiful

Wellington from the sea is special, so we hopped onto the East to West ferry to take in the views and to have lunch in Days Bay across the bay from Queens Wharf.

The day was fine, some interesting cloud formations, a slight wind and the sea a little choppy as we crossed the bay.

With dolphins playing in our wake!

We trundled around Days Bay, found our lunch spot and had a gentle few hours away from the city.

East to West Ferry, Queens Wharf to Days Bay