Tuesday 17 May 2016

N is for Nene: missed the goose but got the owl!

The Nene, or Hawaiian Goose is the state bird of Hawaii.

Wherever we drove around Maui and Big Island we saw signs to take care of Nene's crossing the roads, well they never did cross in front of us!

I did get to see a handful of Nene at the Volcano National Park on Big Island but Fred did not get to photograph the bird.

However we got to see the endemic Hawaiian Owl or Pueo while up on Haleakala, two birds were flying low and Fred was able to get a quick photo as the bird landed a little way from the car.

We had such a good sighting!

Hawaiian Owl, Haleakala, Maui.

Looking at this signboard as we exited the National Park, I only now notice what it says "Live before you Die". I was tired after the hike but I do feel that Fred and I are doing our best to live up to this sentiment.

R is for Red Ferns: hiking out of Haleakala Crater

View of the fern forest from the switchbacks on the Haleamau'u Trail

Switchbacks climbing 1400 feet.
John and John on the trail.
The most surprising part of our hike was the transition from the alpine cinder desert of the vast Haleakala crater to a virgin fern forest!

The wonderful ocher and ashen colours in the crater transitioned to grassy fields and endemic shrubs around Holua Cabin. We had dropped from just under 10 000 feet into the crater and we then started to climb the switchbacks to the Haleamau'u Trail parking lot, a climb of about 1400 feet over 4 miles to around 8000 feet! 

And these eastern reaches of the crater are a lush green, virgin fern forest! The new leaves of the ferns are a bright red!

Red fern detail.

T is for Trails: following the signs

The gang on the trail, John, John, Fred and Sharon

Cameras and backpacks filled with trail snacks, a picnic lunch, loads of water and the gang was ready to start the hike!

Well done John, John and Fred. 

This ranks as one of my best hikes to date, the silence, the peace, the place, I loved it all and what a pleasure to walk with the 3 of you.

Thank you!

A Churkar Partridge on the path.
On the path through the cinder desert of Haleakala Crater.

The simplicity of a single flower in the lava field.

H is for Haleakala: hiking the crater

We headed out early on Sunday morning to the summit of Haleakala Crater, Maui, to hike the Sliding Sands trail. The day was perfect, clear big blue skies, the rain stayed away and there was much anticipation as we drove the switchbacks to get to crater rim to start our hike.

The scenery was magnificent and it was 12 miles of some of the best walking I have ever done. Shapes, colours, vistas that left us in awe....these photos try to capture some of the magic of this place.

Haleakala Crater from the start of our hike at the Visitors Centre.

Alpine cinder desert.
Pele's Paint Pot - named for the Hawaiian goddess of fire and volcanoes
Paint Pot colours, such a wonderful surprise !

S is for Silversword: a high altitude find

A unique sighting on Haleakala Crater walk.

Another fascinating Hawaiian find - the striking silversword which glistened against the barren volcanic landscape high up on Haleakala Crater. 

I was thrilled to see one of the plants in flower too - really dramatic, they stand tall above the rosette of narrow silver pointed leaves and the flowers have small, purple heads.

Quite remarkable colour and form.