Tuesday 26 July 2016

T is for Trompe L'Oeil: dodging taxes in Valbonne

Walking the sun drenched streets of Valbonne.
We were hiding from the heat at one of the many bars in Valbonne when I started to read the brochure  from the Tourist Information Office. End of leisurely expresso and beer and I was off chasing down the shutters in Trompe L'Oeil with a bemused Fred ready to take the photos.

The brochure tells the story that this 'pictorial technique replaces the real window condemned to avoid the payment of the tax on doors and windows.' Man's ingenuity, it certainly made my afternoon.

Spot the Trompe L'Oeil shutters of Valbonne.

F is for Fragonard: a parfumerie in Grasse

Heady fragrances and learning all about the making of perfume, Fragonard, Grasse
My first awareness of Fragonard came with a gift from Michelle for my birthday a years back, it was their signature perfume - Belle de Nuit.

I remember wondering why I had never heard of the brand. Today I found out why, they have a strategy of only retailing in France and do not white label. They are certainly a key parfumerie here in Grasse, in the Haute Province. The flowers of Grasse have made the town the centre of perfume making in France for a couple of centuries. Apparently Chanel buys up almost all the production of jasmine for their signature Chanel No 5 as the 'terroir' here makes for a heady and unique jasmine!

We joined a tour of the factory this morning and enjoyed learning about the processes behind perfume. The retail experience was as much fun, another opportunity for a birthday present, I think Fred's patience is starting to wear thin with all the requests for yet another gift...