Thursday 18 August 2016

G is for Gardens: a day outdoors

Idyllic English summer day
A stroll for breakfast in Ealing, London revealed a surprise. The vast Northfields Allotments established in 1832 and the oldest in London. We stopped and marvelled at the summer bounty and chatted to Pauline a resident who shared how the allotments are managed. She also steered us to her local cafe for a good breakfast.

We then had the pleasure of the afternoon in a flowing gentile garden in Cambridge with David, bridging 20 years or so! The historic Orchard, a Cambridge tradition, was established in 1897 and they has been serving cream teas to any number of famous people over the years, so it was our turn to loll on the deck chairs and while away the afternoon under the huge trees.

We ended the day in the garden of The Elms with Collen and his family; sunset, steaks on the barbecue, fresh salads, playing with the dog.... summer in England at its best and so special to be in conversation with friends.