Sunday 12 November 2017

Sunday morning prose

How I valued:
  • Sparkling sharing of travel stories that danced across the globe – finding Dingle gin in Dingle, Ireland; ancestral research in Cork; finding Jan in Nice with pap on the menu; Balinese street food and the sublime balance of sweet black coffee and aromatics; the surprise of Milan; perfect pizzas in Nieu Bethesda; the joy of a daily flat white in Wellington while minding James; an accident in Germany; yet another French chateau; a doggy road trip in winter to the Cape; the delight of Gaudi in Barcelona….
  • As always our minds love planning where next - an exciting declaration to take in la Perle by Dragond in Dubai at some point over the next few years; maybe a river cruise in Europe; could even pop across to visit Petra in Jordan;  Thailand beckoning soon for the Twomey's…
  • A perfect highveld summer evening – residual heat from the day slowly abating; the pretty pink evening sky; a piet-my-vrou calling; candles dancing in the pool and candles making shadows on the veranda; the braai fire smoke and baking bread mixing and tantalizing our senses; the heady fragrance of star jasmine…
  • A round table set with mindfulness and creativity – a basket of artichokes; sparkling green glassware and icy crystal bowls; eclectic Wonkyware…
  • Inspiration from the Shared Economy - numbers 1-9 from the Enneagram inspiring a new business venture from the Twomey home, sharing knowledge and experience; 175 bed nights in the Kersten's spaces in Toti and Cape Town been shared this year with people from all over the world; the numbers are staggering on a  vast property vision on the brink of been shared with the world....
  • Neville’s gin setting – a choice from around the world, with lemon or orange, I am now excited to explore the botanicals and stories of South African gin…
  • Rosella’s masterclass of bread making – kneading; shaping; creating flavour with thyme; baking with stream; a well of oozy, decadent camembert; a hint of chilli in the salmon mousse; such fresh crusty, delicious bread; Nikki’s proclamation of ‘I am happy’ was a voice for all….
  • The generosity of slipping in a pasta course while the braai smells drifted over – stuffed parcels of happiness with an unpronounceable Italian name washed down with a crispy white or a tasty red…
  • The nibbling of salty lamb fat straight from Neville's hot coals, sucking the roasted artichokes hearts, picking up the hint of bay leaf on the meatballs, the fennel and orange just made for each other…
  • Banting for the last course - the decadence of berries, cream and an almond chocolate desert...
  • Our conversation dancing around our passions - books to read, note to self Origin by Dan Brown a recommendation from Geoff; movies and series that we enjoy; hugging cats and dogs; cuddling gorgeous grandchildren; Fred building Herb Cottage; continually getting lighter in the world...
How I value friendship....

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