Saturday 29 September 2018

Number 72: World of WearableArt 2018, Wellington

All I can say is it was WOW!
Number 72:
World of WearableArt 2018, Wellington.

Shawni and me at WBC, Wellington
How I loved being spoilt by Shawni last night, a pre-show dinner and the WOW awards show at the TSB Arena.

The first floor WBC  - or Wholesale Boot Company - in Wellington, was a trendy and on point restaurant with sharing plates and unusual flavor combinations. 

The show was other worldly, grand in its conception and really did deliver us to another world, one of creative genius, vision and inspiration.

I had to pinch myself,  I was with Shawni experiencing WOW 2018 and I so appreciate the remarkable moment. 

Thank you Shawni.

Thursday 27 September 2018

Number 71: Zealandia for some Lifers

Tui, Hihi, Kaka, Takahe, Kakariki, Pateke, just some of the quirkily named endemic birds of New Zealand.  I booked Fred and I onto a Zealandia by Night Tour with the hope of another Kiwi for my world list, the Little Spotted Kiwi.

Number 71:
Zealandia for some Lifers.

Little Spotted Kiwi, in the open!

I have 2 of the 5 kiwis found in New Zealand on my life list and I was very keen to try for another this visit to Wellington. The only mainland option for the rare, endemic Little Spotted Kiwi is at Zealandia, an amazing conservation space right in the city. They have effectively created an island by fencing out all the predators! The map below shows the very limited distribution of this smallest of the 5 kiwis.

So, wearing every layer we have with us, we braved the icy cold wind and headed into the bush at dusk with our guide Jono, binoculars and cameras in hand. 

We had our first tantalising views of a female Little Spotted just at dusk, as well as hearing the male kiwi's call across the valley.

The tour ended on a quite surreal note, Jono had a message come through that a male kiwi was right
out in the open and we hustled to get the the visitor centre. Not only was the bird in the open, it was feeding on the grass right at the entrance to the reserve.

So exciting!

Photography is almost impossible in the dark with the red torches but I have to post Fred's photo, my 'evidence' of the sighting and kiwi number 3 is in the bag and on my list.

Lifer number two come this morning when we went back to Zealandia, this time for the North Island Robin, a split since we first birded in new Zealand. Jono had given me some pointers on where to look for the confiding little robins.

And, there it was!

North Island Robin.
Then back to what we do very well, lunching in town with Shawni and pottering around the CBD, we found the yummiest chocolate brownies at Lashings, a new spot near Cuba Street to celebrate another good day is this beautiful city that we have grown to love.

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Number 70: #WellyLovesWOW

This week has been the build of the 2018 World of WearableArt, known as WOW, here in Wellington and the show is celebrating its 30 year. And what a build up it has been!

Number 70:

With map in hand; I have seen branded cars, buses with a call to action, restaurants with a WOW menu, the huge mirrored WOW sign on the waterfront, stores with window displays, newspaper articles, light poles with banners and a WOW Hub at the TSB Arena.
Fred and I have been on the WOW Wander to see garments on display from the WOW historical collection in 12 unique installations across Wellington city; a department store, office blocks, hotels, a theater, museums, a library, a's been a treasure hunt.

Garments from WOW's historical collection seen on the WOW Wander around the city.


Shawni has tickets for us for Friday night, what a special treat and a big tick on my bucket list for New Zealand, having first heard of WOW in 2011 while we were touring New Zealand in a camper van. We visited their museum in Nelson and saw garments on display in both Auckland and Wellington.

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Number 69: Rare Sheep, historic Weaving Mills and 'Lord of the Rings'

The weather was not kind this morning so we headed to Petone to visit a remarkable New Zealand creative success, Stansborough.

Number 69: Rare Sheep, historic Weaving Mills and 'Lord of the Rings'.

Stansborough Mill and Store visit.
Shawni has a wool throw that has caught my eye and she mentioned Stansborough to me. The story of creating and registering a New Zealand wool breed, the 'Stansborough Grey's', sheep whose wool is unusually silky, soft and lustrous.

I was excited to visit their store and mill today, out of the rain and cold.

We were completely enthralled by the business. Stansborough still use Industrial Revolution Weaving Mills from the north of England; bobbins flying, metal clanking, wood thumping, gears grinding; absolutely amazing as we watched the apprentice weaver making up a bolt of fibre for Gandalf scarves.

Stansborough's unique fibre created by their grey sheep was used to costume most of the main characters appearing in the Lord of the Rings sagas.

We met Cheryl, the creative genius behind the business, she shared her story of the farm, keeping a breed of sheep from extinction, learning to weave on the monstrously huge mills, designing her gorgeous range of throws, blankets, shawls and textile heirlooms, which are all innovative and highly prized worldwide and her client list is jaw dropping. 
And now me, I now own a twill weave Stansborough Grey throw. 

Monday 24 September 2018

Number 68: Foodie pleasure, finding something unusual on the shelf.

One of the pleasures of travel is looking out for the fresh, unusual produce as I potter around supermarkets. I was chuffed to spy something I have not seen or used before - Garlic Sprouts!

Number 68:
Foodie pleasure, finding something unusual on the shelf.

A first for me - Garlic Sprouts.
The label on the long stems of the garlic sprouts promised a light garlic flavor with the texture of asparagus, indeed.

Chopped and lightly sautéed in our Thai Green Curry last night it was quite delicious. Tonight I am going to try the sprouts finely chopped as a garnish with our Moroccan Chickpea Soup.

Sunday 23 September 2018

Number 67: A taste of Dutch Culture, Wellington Botanical Gardens

It's spring in Wellington and the tulips are in flower and a riot of color at the Botanical Gardens.

Number 67:
A taste of Dutch Culture, Wellington Botanical Gardens.

It feels surreal at times that Fred, born in Amsterdam, our daughter born in Johannesburg and now a grandson born in Wellington, share this Dutch heritage and the spring celebrations at the gardens were hosted with all things Dutch. The organ player cranking out tunes, traditional costumes, a miniature windmill and the aroma of chips with mayonnaise, 'poffertjes' baking and coffee.
We enjoyed at all!

Fred and Shawni sharing their Dutch culture with little James.
He was more excited with the duck in the pond though!

Saturday 22 September 2018

Number 66: Watching a so-so Soccer Star

It's Saturday morning and I am off to see James at Little Dribblers, which is soccer and ball skills for little people.

Number 66:
Watching a so-so Soccer Star

Oh my, two year olds on a patch of green grass with all sorts of other distractions like the beach, dogs, Pops and just running wherever they want. Soccer is a long stretch but a bit of fun for little man and Fred managed to capture a few moments, note the orange soccer kit - hip Holland hip!

I can so do my nose on a ball, but elbows - what are they?
Now this he can do well - brunch at a really cool spot on the Petone Esplanade.

Thursday 20 September 2018

Number 65: Walking the Wild South Coast, Wellington

Planning is weather dependent in Wellington. Today was a perfect spring day and what better to plan than a magnificent walk on the wild side far away from the crowds along Oriental Bay.

Number 65:
Walking the Wild South Coast, Wellington.

Our destination was Owhiro Bay to walk the wild and spectacular coastal road to the well-known Red Rocks and then further along to the  seal haul-out at Sinclair Head, to see the huge male New Zealand Fur Seals. 
A new path for Fred and I here in Wellington and a keeper. The snow-capped mountains of the South Island gleamed across Cook Strait creating a quite surreal landscape amid the huge deep blue skies, the black beaches with bleached debris and a calm sea!

Wellington's South Coast, heading out from Owhiro Bay towards the Red Rocks.

The tin red Red Rocks with the snow-capped mountains of South Island across the Cook Strait.

Red, green, purple and grey. Intriguing and complex geology at play, Too much to grapple with so I just enjoyed the scene.

The good life!

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Number 64: Aesop Concept Store and Indulgence

'Indulgence: an occasion when you allow yourself to have something enjoyable; especially more than is good for you.'

Number 64:
Aesop Concept Store and Indulgence

So I completely understand that indulgence is who I am. 
Having admitted this I have to have at least one blog post for this year of 100 Different Things about an indulgent moment.

My indulgence of choice; a visit to the Aesop signature store situated in a Wellington landmark, the 1930's Art Deco Change House. And what a magnificently designed space, abundant use of natural timber, brass tap ware and muted light. As is my want I indulged in this iconic Australian brand of skincare, it was physical and sensory, a herbal tea drink, a sense of occasion and just a little theatrical, thanks to Josh.

An indulgence, Aesop in Wellington.

Number 63: Buggies Go Bush, a morning at Zealandia

Blues skies, no wind and just perfect for our first visit to Zealandia, a conservation success right in the heart of Wellington. The fencing keeps out the possums, stoats, cats and rats, so the birds are able to flourish as do the other creatures. It is a true gem.

Number 63:
Buggies Go Bush, a morning at Zealandia

Our little bug at Zealandia.
Wednesday is story time at the Cafe, so we joined in, James less so as he was more interested in playing with an ice-cream truck - such a little boy! Only the girls sat attentively. 
The paths through Zealandia are such a pleasure, deep into indigenous bush with tui's calling, kaka's flying across, kereru flopping into the trees and I even glimpsed a saddleback. 
We all loved the closeup views of the prehistoric tuatara too. 

A morning at Zealandia.

Saturday 15 September 2018

Number 62: A fluffy and choosing wellingtons, Wellington indeed.

One of the joys of being grandparents has been the experience of shopping again for babies. And shop we have, from New York to Paris and all sorts of places in between, clothes stores and book shops being my favorite!

Number 62:
A fluffy and choosing wellingtons, Wellington indeed.

Babyccino and fish chocolate, after shopping relaxing!

One of the best shopping experience was the summer sales at Galleries Lafayette where Fred and I spent hours looking at baby clothing for James, the July before he was born. We came away with bags from Catimini an exciting French children's brand.

A memory of shopping in Paris.
And here we are, taking our little man for our first shopping experience with him.

Less leisurely, less designer, but still a treat. 

The goal were wellingtons, his shoes of choice to go to Daisies and to work in the garden with his Dad. All he wanted was the adult sized wellies and he was a bit disappointed that they were not an option! 

Any shopping spree has to end at a coffee shop where we had flat whites and James a babyccino. Got to love it all.

Shopping for wellingtons with Pops.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Number 61: 'Curious Creatures and Marvelous Monsters' at Te Papa.

Our first art exhibition for kids with James at the Te Papa National Museum, a landmark here in Wellington, and an exceptional, world-class museum. With a exhibit called 'Curious Creatures and Marvelous Monsters', I couldn't wait to see James' response.

James interacting with one of the oddities of Michael Parekowkai's Detour Exhibit.
Number 61:
'Curious Creatures and Marvelous Monsters'

Magical, monstrous and imagined creatures from Te Papa's art collection put together in an interactive and creative way to entertain and amuse little people. 
And James was certainly intrigued, opening 'mouse' doors at floor level and peeping into the art, looking through portholes at strange creatures, touching, listening, drawing and playing. 
It was magical and a delightful outing for Nan and Pops with our little man.

Arriving at Te Papa, braving the sneaky cold wind!
Curious Creatures indeed!
Marvelous Monsters.

Sunday 9 September 2018

Number 60: Our birthday boy

It has been a most anticipated occasion, getting to New Zealand to join in all the birthday celebrations. Our grandson is two, simply wonderful.

Number 60:
Our birthday boy.

A little boy; waking up to singing, candles and loads of presents, is the next generation and how I love the awareness of the circles of life. Shawni remembering her special birthday parties and here she is, a dedicated mother, creating beautiful moments for her child. 
I love the story of the small car that James is playing with, it's a Mini that belonged to my father and we brought it with us, yet another circle of memories.

"Car" James playing with my father's little green Mini.
"Cook" Craig and Shawni hoping for a little Junior Masterchef!
James loving his 'zoom zoom' 2nd birthday party!
James' at Daisies celebrating with his friends.

Thursday 6 September 2018

Number 59: A new home in Khandallah, Wellington New Zealand not India

A Wellington suburb named for the old Khandallah Homestead built here in 1884 during the Railway expansion by Captain James Andrew. He had just arrived from India so the streets of Khandallah have mainly Indian names.
The suburb is our home for the next month.

Number 59:
A new home in Khandalla, Wellington New Zealand not India

A home in Khandallah, Wellington.
After long and very eventful flights from South Africa we are settled. Since my last visit Shawni and Craig have bought a new home in Khandallah.
The weather and jet lag are keeping me indoors so I have been pottering, enjoying the glorious views, the lush vegetation, getting a feel for this new space in our lives and being with James.