Monday 22 October 2018

Number 81: My World Birding List hits 2000

The bird sightings on Bruny Island kept coming all day and so many were lifers too. I have been creeping to the 2000 mark ever since birding in Costa Rica and I was expecting to reach this new milestone here in Tasmania.

The shy and quiet Pink Robin of the cool temperate forest of Cradle Mountain.
Number 81:
My World Birding List hits 2000.

After a late night of walking a beach, torches in hand, to watch Little Blue Penguins come in from the sea, I was too tired to do any bird admin – noting which birds had been seen during the day, writing up the details of the sightings in my Australian Field Guide and then updating my excel IOC spreadsheet, where I keep a running list by country of the birds I have seen.

So it was early on day two that I realized that my number was 2007, I am not sure which bird was number 2000 and it will just have to remain a mystery!

Tasmania bird stats: 65 birds seen, 27 lifers and we saw all 12 endemics. We saw seabirds, shore birds, woodland birds and raptors.

Rockjumper Trip Report:
With continuing rain greeting us as we landed in Hobart, we collected the bus and set off toward Bruny Island, our base for the next two nights. Making the ferry crossing to Bruny Island in good time, the first bird we saw upon disembarking was Swift Parrot; in fact, they were seemingly everywhere in the huge flowering Blue Gums there, and in teeming rain we enjoyed our first views of this critically endangered species, a spring-summer migrant to Tas. Our first Tasmanian endemic species came in the form of a
Superb Fairywren by Roderick MacKenzie

family of Tasmanian Nativehens, and we would see many more of this chicken-like, flightless gallinule during our stay in Tasmania.
A few hours later and we were tucking into a finemeal at the Bruny Pub, ready for a good night’ssleep and for more exciting birding here tomorrow. The drive back was punctuated by sightings of Tasmanian Pademelons and Bennett’sWallabies.
Day 21: 18th October. A fine, damp and misty day
greeted us this morning but, importantly, 
it wasn’training! With breakfast out of the way, we set
about finding some 
of the island’s endemicspecies. In the tall forests, tussock woodland and
rocky coastline of beautiful Bruny Island, we
quickly racked up Black-headed Honeyeater, loud
and aggressive Yellow Wattlebirds, Dusky Robin
and the unobtrusive and critically endangered
Forty-spotted Pardalote, a major target for us here.
Also in the vicinity was a male white phase of the Grey Goshawk feeding on prey, Scarlet and Flame Robins, Fan-tailed Cuckoo, more Swift Parrot and Brush Bronzewing that were calling from all around, but remained deep within the forest. More endemics were around here too, with Strong-billed Honeyeaters prying bark from branches, stems and crotches looking for insect prey, the beautiful Green Rosella and Black Currawong.

Along the coastal areas of the island, we picked up both Sooty and Australian Pied Oystercatchers, a pair of Hooded Plover, more Black-faced Cormorant and good numbers of Kelp and Pacific Gulls. At one point, we watched as a White-bellied Sea Eagle hunted and took down a Short-tailed Shearwater just offshore.
Sadly, more wet and thundery conditions set in again this afternoon, which stymied our activities somewhat, but cleared enough that we were able to head out after dark and watch as Little Penguins came ashore along an ocean beach and headed to their burrows.
Day 22: 19th October. After a final look around Bruny, we left the island this morning, along the way hearingbut not seeing a pair of Lewin’s Rail that grunted at usfrom deep within cover. Heading to the north of Tasmania and our final accommodation for the tour, today was a travel day, so there weren’t a lot ofopportunities for stopping; but, later in the afternoon, as we drove the backroads towards our lodgings, we picked up some nice birds with Grey Currawong, Pink Robin, Tasmanian Thornbill, Olive Whistler and brief but barely satisfactory glimpses of Tasmanian Scrubwren.
Banded Stilt by John Kendall
Green Rosella by John Kendall
Rockjumper Birding Tours
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Trip Report – RBL Australia - East Coast & Tasmania Ext II 2018 15
A Morepork called on dusk and was seen by a few of us, and after dark there was a carnivore-fest as Tasmanian Devils and Spot-tailed Quolls emerged from the forest to feed on strategically-placed morsels, much to the delight of the tour party.
Day 23: 20th October. Our destination for the day was Cradle Mountain National Park, and it was with a much more leisurely pace that we set off this morning, finding a beautiful Platypus in a clear stream along the way, as well as great looks at Yellow-throated Honeyeater, Crescent Honeyeater, the elusive Scrubtit and our final Tas endemic: a Tasmanian Scrubwren that finally gave itself up for decent views.
Cradle Mountain National Park was its usual magnificent self, although low cloud marred the scenery somewhat. Black Currawong were everywhere here it seemed, and became quite pesky when looking for handouts.
A beautiful Wombat with a young joey in the pouch was a clear standout for wildlife experience of the day, as she allowed us to approach quite closely for photographs.
The evening again offered good views of Tasmanian Devil and Spot-tailed Quoll, a fitting end to what had been a fantastic tour. The company, camaraderie and repartee had been simply excellent, and the author cannot remember such an enjoyable and cohesive group.
Pink Robin by John Kendall
And sometimes it is the common birds that create magical birding experiences.

Look at that bill, magnificent Pacific Gull, only found on the coasts of southern Australia.

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