Wednesday 9 May 2018

Number 21: Finding bears in Freising, Bavaria

The story of a bear dominates Freising, a small Bavarian town near Munich Airport. A Frankish missionary bishop, Corbinian, had arrived at the court of the Bavarian duke in Freising in 715, with his bear.
So we went bear spotting this morning.

Number 21: 
Finding bears in Freising, Bavaria

And we found plenty. 
After a night on a plane, it was such a treat to be outdoors on this sunny warm morning, taking in the wild spring flowers, the loads of flowering plants at the market on Marienplatz, walking along the river, hearing the Blue Tits calling, watching a coot feed her young, and ambling around the Freising Cathedral. 
A good coffee and wonderful pastries, we have landed.
A morning in Freising, among the bears.

A reflective moment at the Freising Cathedral.
The Baroque portal from 1681 has a statue of St. Corbinian and his bear.