Friday 18 May 2018

Number 27: The Hunters Menu at Konoba 'Kokot'

Just when I thought we had 'done' it all on Hvar Island, we discovered the family owned konoba 'Kokot', set in an idyllic rural landscape in the tiny village of Dol. Their story is all about homegrown ingredients and traditional cuisine.

Number 27: 
The Hunters Menu at Konoba 'Kokot'

In the gentle light of the early evening sun, we parked our car and made our way up to the konoba and were immediately entranced at the setting and unique atmosphere. We were made welcome with a bowl of partially dried figs and the house grappa.
Our host talked us through the specials. The family make their own assortment of handmade goat's cheese - fresh, salted, in olive oil, with aromatics, all delicious. Vegetables from their gardens. But more exciting for me, they hunt for boar in the nearby woods and having not eaten wild boar before, in the spirit of my hundred different things for the year, number 27 was eating slow cooked boar with gnocchi made by our host's mother. The boar was rich, sweet and tender. Fred's boar patties, with home-grown fried potatoes and 'ajvar', a sweet, smoky, fruity condiment was outstanding too.
We also tried some of the boar salami, which we could not finish and Fred has made sandwiches for our ferry crossing later today. Yum!
The satisfaction of homegrown ingredients in a rural konoba on Hvar Island.
Recipe for Ajvar:
Roast peppers and eggplant. Skin peppers. Pulse all ingredients in a blender. Enjoy with goats cheese and crusty bread. Spice it up with a jalapeƱo.