Saturday 15 September 2018

Number 62: A fluffy and choosing wellingtons, Wellington indeed.

One of the joys of being grandparents has been the experience of shopping again for babies. And shop we have, from New York to Paris and all sorts of places in between, clothes stores and book shops being my favorite!

Number 62:
A fluffy and choosing wellingtons, Wellington indeed.

Babyccino and fish chocolate, after shopping relaxing!

One of the best shopping experience was the summer sales at Galleries Lafayette where Fred and I spent hours looking at baby clothing for James, the July before he was born. We came away with bags from Catimini an exciting French children's brand.

A memory of shopping in Paris.
And here we are, taking our little man for our first shopping experience with him.

Less leisurely, less designer, but still a treat. 

The goal were wellingtons, his shoes of choice to go to Daisies and to work in the garden with his Dad. All he wanted was the adult sized wellies and he was a bit disappointed that they were not an option! 

Any shopping spree has to end at a coffee shop where we had flat whites and James a babyccino. Got to love it all.

Shopping for wellingtons with Pops.