Sunday 3 September 2023

An Alpine passeggiatta: Sestriere high life

Neville and Rosella introduced us to the Italian evening stroll, the passeggiatta, back in 2008 in Umbria. Here we are in the Italian Alps, Sestriere high life indeed, definitely not pubs and clubs but rather walking  above 2000m! 

Our passeggiatta has taken us into the alpine forest, past slate roof stone houses bunkered into the ground, marmots playing in the open glades, cows with bells tinkling, late summer flowers and even a farm stall where we bought cheese, milk, yogurt, eggs and panne cotta.

Majestic Monte Chaberton, 3131m

Fred perched on the Balcone Trail

And then when you look up from the path, the views are completely magnificent. The scale is hard to capture. The peaks loom large even though they float in the background and they are already lightly snow dusted after some early precipitation recently.

Views from Sestriere across to Punta Ramiere, 3303m

Provisioning for cheese, yogurt, milk, eggs and panne cotta straight from the farm

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