Thursday 7 September 2023

Moments of reflection and gratitude: the Collegiate Church, Briancon

Collegiate Church of Briancon dating from 1703 floating above the Haute Ville

I have set a practice in place for these two months of travel through France, Italy, Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands. 

Between the busyness of finding a good coffee and pastry, of planning our walking, of road tripping, of sight seeing, of managing photos and blogging, of baguettes from a Boulangerie, of daily provisioning, of time with friends and family, of packing and unpacking... I will sit quietly in each church I happen upon.

The opportunities for reflection and particularly for gratitude seem to get lost in the daily hustle. 

Stepping into the quietude of a church, however grand or plain, finding a back row seat, taking in the lofty skill of the stonemasons, the floors and stone steps that are worn from centuries of footsteps, noticing the fresh flowers and the subtle lighting, loving the sunlight through the stain glassed windows, suppressing the need to tidy and declutter, feeling the gentle warmth of the wooden pew around me, I am able to breathe deeply and just sit. 

These restful moments are restorative and a keen reminder for me to pay attention to all that I am grateful for.

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