Monday 23 October 2023

A train ride into the wind and cold: Puy de Dome, Massif Central

The lava cone looming large over the landscape

Train ride up the Puy - so touristy and so much fun.
Ever west, on the move again and into the highland region of south-central France. 

Our target to experience the Chaine des Puy of the Massif Central and specially to take the panoramic train up the Puy de Dome. The entire region contains hundreds of extinct volcanoes and the Puy de Dome (1465m) is a lava cone that dominates the landscape around Clermont-Ferrand.

And of course the fascination was this year's Tour de France where we were amazed to see the cyclists going up this fierce climb with the train alongside them brightly decorated to celebrate le Tour. 

And we loved the train - certainly a whole lot easier than walking up. The weather at the summit was as fierce as the climb would be, gale force winds, moody dark skies and eventually the mist rolled in and it rained. 

Luckily we braved it all and were able to take in the vastness of this plain of about 80 volcanic before we headed indoors watching the mist swirl around the roman ruins - the quiche and French fries were soo good! 

Original Roman carving and reconstruction on site
Another really surprising thing about the summit is its Gallo-Roman history and the site of the Temple of Mercury built in the 2nd century. 

Reconstruction of the temple is underway, the scale would have been vast, I am in awe of the workmanship and the effort it would have taken. Fred was impressed with the little  museum on the summit as he is endlessly fascinated with Roman history.

Even in the wild weather, still a real spectacle to see the chain of volcanoes

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