Sunday 22 October 2023

Badlands of the Haute-Loire: Ravins de Corboeuf, Rosieres

Panorama of the Ravins de Corboeuf

2014, Death Valley and the searing heat of its iconic Badlands.

Fred's photo shows the fascinating volcanic landscapes in this part of France with the perfectly shaped cone volcanoes and the ravine formed by wind and water over millennia. 

It took me straight back to Death Valley in California and the vast stretches of Badlands. 

The Ravins de Corboeuf, are the Badlands of the Haute-Loire and the scale is vastly different but not so the impact.

We did an interesting walk around the perimeter, made even more interesting by missing the path and walking double the distance - sure made the picnic taste a whole lot better!

I notice how happy I am when in nature away from cars and the busyness of being in a city or town.  

Exploring the geography and geology around me is endlessly fascinating. And to get to see a classic 'badlands', with its fragile multicoloured clay heavily serrated and eroded, was a bonus indeed.

Colour detail.

Beautiful eroded forms

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