Friday 8 September 2023

Rugby World Cup 2023: Ready, steady, go....


Flying the flag!
Transition day, Sestriere in the Italian Alps down to La Bouilladisse, not too far from all the rugby action this weekend in Marseille. 

It's been many years in the planning with so many twists and turns along the way, and here we are. Shawni, Craig, James and Kirsten arrive tomorrow having travelled for days from New Zealand and we will meet them at the TGV station. 

Collen and Sarah from the UK are down at the fan park getting ready for the opening game. We will be joining them for the Saturday England vs Argentina game and on Sunday, Fred will be at the South Africa vs Scotland game while I babysit, cannot wait. Martie and Neil will be in Marseille too from tomorrow.

Our hosts, Nicolas and Helene, whose ground floor apartment we have booked on Airbnb, have invited us to join their festivities with their family! 

Too marvellous to join a French rugby loving family as they watch the Les Blues kick off the event....we had a 'burger night' French style with much sharing of alcohol and good rugby stories.

It was a party weekend, very late nights for the lovers of the game and apart from the mayhem at the stadium both the English game and the South African game went to plan.

Fred arrives in Marseille getting excited
about the South African opening game!
                                                                                                Converging from all over the world, 
                                                                                            New Zealand and South Africa!

Two days of Rugby World Cup action in Marseille, September 9-10, 2023

Au Coeur des Géants: Col du Lautaret and Col du Galibier

A perfect summer day in the Hautes-Alps


A day in among the giants of the Alps. We drove the road from the south of the Col du Galibier, a twisting 8.5km from the Col du Lautaret. It's one of the highest paved roads in the Alps and we passed through the tunnel at 2556m which is the highest in Europe. 

Another legendary Tour de France landmark, the most visited climb in the event's history and a mecca for all cyclists. We spoke to a young German girl who is cycling the classic passes with a group and they put in months of training and planning, its a life event for many and it is for Fred and me too.

And its all about the outstanding viewpoints from both the Col du Lautaret and the Col du Galibier and we had unrestricted views across to Mont Blanc (4810m)! 

Mont Blanc from the Table d'Orientation at the Col du Galibier

Day three in the Alps and we saved the best for last, such beauty wherever we looked.

Typical alpine scenery and the iconic switchbacks.