Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Winter in Seattle: A pescatarian story to start


Fish!, a revisit

Well here we are starting our time in Seattle with the family.  

We have been finding our feet, slowly getting over the jet lag, acclimatising to the fall weather, navigating the suburb, finding our way into the family routine and bridging the time since we were last all together.

Fred and I rode the 1 Line from Roosevelt Station into the Seattle downtown yesterday, getting our tourist mode together, and starting with the familiar. A revisit to the historic Pike Place Market, a recalling of the book, Fish!, I used for leadership lessons some 25 years ago and watching the fish fly from hand to hand as the fishmongers celebrate in their unique way.

My only visit to Seattle was in the early 2000 with my friend and work colleague at that stage, Sharon Jansen. She had planned an introductory visit to David Whyte on Whitby Island so we based ourselves in Seattle. The two clear memories I have is the dinner we shared with David at his home and appreciating the remarkable culture created by the Pike Fish Market team. The fishmongers were able to elevate themselves above the wet, cold and smelly conditions they work in, to choose an attitude of playfulness, and to focus on connecting with their customers. 

And here I was, standing in the crowd and seeing the exact same disciplined focus on their culture. Quite remarkable.

We amble along the newly opened urban renewal project in Seattle, the Overlook Walk, connecting the Pike Place Market and the Seattle Waterfront. The clam Chowder in a sourdough bowl was good!